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Libertarian Party of Maryland

CC Minutes | | PDF format

Central Committee Minutes

Minutes of the Central Committee of the Libertarian Party
of Maryland -- Saturday, 1 March 2008

Opening: The Libertarian State Central Committee of Maryland met at Squire’s Italian Restaurant in Dundalk, Maryland. The meeting was called to order at 4:44 pm by chairman Bob Johnston. The Treasurer’s report and 11 August 2007 Central Committee meeting Minutes were distributed.

Attendance: the Credentials Committee consisted of: Robert Glaser; Dave Sten; and Bill Buzzell. It validated that 20 Central Committee members were in attendance for the meeting. No proxies were represented. The Central Committee rolls consist of 31 members.

Minutes: The minutes of the 11 August 2007 Central Committee meeting were accepted as submitted.

Treasurer’s report: The Treasurer’s report was accepted as submitted.

Montgomery County LP: as reported by Nick Sarwark, the Chair and Treasurer resigned but the state is under the impression that the Treasurer did not resign, and he is liable for fines due to reports not filed. There will be a Central Committee meeting on March 23 at Nick’s house, at which point a new Executive Board will be elected. The county organization will then either become active again or dissolve.

Chair’s Report: Bob Johnston reports that membership was 61 as of 1 Jan. 2008; we have 12 or 13 monthly pledgers, which covers about half of our annual expenses. Asks for members to become monthly pledgers. The treasury is at about $2850 in available funds; we are in decent shape. When he took the job as Chair, his reason was to run candidates in the upcoming election. Wes Benedict took a moribund party (Texas) and ran 161 candidates. We have eight seats for Congress here this year; we won’t win any of these elections, but we can be viable. By running a full slate of candidates, we become the third party against the duopoly. Has seven of the eight candidates desired so far, we have until July 1 to file. Of the seven people applying for nomination, four are long time MdLP members, another is from another state and received 13,000 votes in a previous election, and another has run before for another party. All may not be 100% Libertarian, but are at least 70% so and would chip away at the size of government. Bob has vetted each candidate. There are some Ron Paul candidates who won. Wants to appeal to the anti-War, anti-Patriot Act voters. Urges us to support our candidates. Four ways to support candidates: get out on election day with signs, have a physical presence at the polls; put out door hangers; man booths; and contribute money (Bob will work one day of overtime per month to donate to candidates).

Officer Elections: The following were nominated as officers: Robert Johnston III, Steven Boone, Robert Glaser, Michael Linder, David Sten, Anthony Spezio, Lorenzo Gaztaņaga, Charles Tavik, and John Krynicki. Election was by written ballot. The winners after the first ballot announced by Dean Ahmad were: Robert Johnston, Robert Glaser, Steven Boone, Lorenzo Gaztaņaga, and Michael Linder. On the second ballot for two positions are: David Sten, John Krynicki, Charles Tavik, and Anthony Spezio. The winners as announced by Dean Ahmad were David Sten and Anthony Spezio.

Election Rules Opinion: between the first and second officer election ballots, two MdLP members joined the Central Committee. Dean Ahmad queried the Chair on the validity of this action; the Chair stated that this was valid and no Central Committee member objected.

Motion: The Executive Board is directed to take reasonable efforts to send a copy of the letter from the attorneys regarding the Cannabis Cup raffle to the Central Committee. Yes=9, No=7; motion PASSES.

Motion: the state will pay for an information booth at the Chesapeake Pride festival. PASSES by voice vote.

Program Committee’s Report: the Program Committee recommended approval of the following proposed changes to the State Program:

  1. Append a new bullet to the Education section: Encourage counties to elect school boards

    Vote: motion PASSES on a voice vote.

Delegates to the National Convention: Bob Johnston, Stuart Simms, Lorenzo Gaztaņaga, Steve Boone, Nick Sarwark, Spear Lancaster, Michael Linder, Dean Ahmad, Derek Pomery, Hadassah Aaronson, Susan Gaztaņaga, and Darlene Nicholas were nominated and approved. The Secretary is directed to fill out the delegate and alternate lists with remaining Central Committee members. Any designated alternate can notify the Chairman to become a delegate prior to the submission deadline. Nick Sarwark moves, amended by Dean Ahmad’s motion, that by unanimous consent vote of the delegates present at the National Convention, other people can be used as delegates. The motion was allowed to be debated by unanimous consent initiated by Dean Ahmad despite the fact that Nick was not a member at the time. The motion passed.

Nominations of Candidates for Statewide Office: Sebastian Sassi (3rd); Richard Davis (1st); Lorenzo Gaztaņaga (2nd); Thibeaux Lincecum (4th); Darlene Nicholas (5th); Ronald Owens-Bey (7th); and Benjamin Parker (8th) were nominated for U.S. Congress; all were approved by voice vote.

Announcements: the Central Committee thanked Bob Johnston for arranging the Convention. Bill Buzzell put out signup sheets for fairs and the July 4 parade. On March 15 PA, WV, and NJ will have a tri-state co-convention in Malvern, PA.

Adjournment: the Central Committee meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm.

--Robert E. Glaser

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