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Libertarian Party of Maryland

What Can I Do?

If you're interested in helping the party, you can:

  • Volunteer to join a Working Group.
  • Help out with Ballot Access for the MdLP.
    • Collect petition signatures for the current certification drive (yes, we are starting this process NOW for the 2011-2014 election cycle).
    • If you are not already registered Libertarian, please do so. We need approximately 35,000 registered Libertarians in Maryland to achieve permanent ballot access.

  • Work on Legislation Action.
  • Join the announce list. (fairly low volume - occasional spikes if something important is afoot).
  • Become a member or volunteer. (PDF) - This form has a list of volunteer oportunities, lets you specify how you wish to be contacted and you can indicate your political interests and we'll contact you when something is going on. . . if you are ready to join, fill out the bottom of the form also.
  • Make a contribution. Click the charge cards in the navigation panel at the left to make a normal contribution, limited to $4000 per four-year election cycle (2006-2010) per person. To make a larger contribution -- which is limited to administrative expenditures -- .
  • Get an MdLP License Plate.
  • Change your voter registration to the Libertarian Party.