1-800-MLP-1776 This webpage:
January 5 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Baltimore City. January 10 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Eastern Baltimore County. January 10 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Montgomery County. January 12 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Anne Arundel County. January 12 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Baltimore City. January 15 (Monday): 7:30-10:00 pm. Montgomery County LP social meeting at Glenn Howard's condominium: 2105 Walsh View Terrace, #102, Silver Spring, MD 20902. Directions: Going north on Georgia Avenue from the Washington Beltway; go straight through the first intersection, Forest Glen Road (traffic light) and make the next left turn on to the Americana Finnmark Condominium grounds. Going south on Georgia from Wheaton, the Condominium entrance is to the right just beyond the first sign of the beltway entrance. After you turn onto the grounds, veer to the right and go all the way to the end of the parking lot and take a left. 2105 Walsh View is adjacent to the third left drive way. My apartment is on the first floor, #102. Contact: Glenn Howard, 301-585-1793. January 15 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. January 19 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Timonium. Announcing a special Timonium LDDS. I have contacted or re-contacted various folks who have shown an interest in the LP over the last few months, and sent them newsletters and invitations to this LDDS. I've spoken to many over the phone also, and several said they would like to attend. If you're not busy on Friday, come on out to the AMF Bowling Lanes lounge across from the Fair Grounds at around 7 pm. Contact: Nancy Millionie. January 19 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Baltimore City. January 20 (Saturday): 2:30 pm. MdLP ad-hoc membership discussion meeting: Rocky Run Tap and Grill in Columbia. Click for map and directions. We will try to focus on: a) how to increase MdLP visibility? Bring your ideas, pet projects, and thinking caps. I'm hoping that we'll have someone who is good at taking notes, who'll write down our suggestions for posting to the mdlp egroups group. Contact: John E. Jasen. January 22 (Monday): 6:30 pm. Harford County LP meeting. January 22 (Monday): 7:00 pm. Northwest Corridor Libertarians. January 22 (Monday): 7:30 pm. Harford County open house. Location: Harford Community College, Edgewood Hall, Room E-209. Come meet people who think like you do. Refreshments will be served! Also, The Harford County Libertarian Party wants to help Cecil County Libertarians organize. If you are interested, come to our open house or contact Shannon Purcell. Harford County LP meeting first. January 22 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. January 24 (Wednesday): 6:30 pm. LDDS, Prince Georges County. January 24 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Montgomery County. January 26 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Baltimore City. January 29 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. February 2 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Baltimore City. February 5 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. February 9 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Anne Arundel County. February 9 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Baltimore City. February 12 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. February 14 (Wednesday): Frederick Douglass and Terry Atwood memorial day (MdLP Central Committee resolution 2/20/99). WHEREAS Frederick Douglass
(1817-1895) was a champion of the liberty of all people throughout his
life; February 14 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Eastern Baltimore County. February 14 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Montgomery County. February 15 (Thursday): 7:30 pm. Montgomery County Council public hearing on the proposed ban of "gun shows" (view bill) at Montgomery County Fairgrounds. I have signed up to be a speaker representing the Montgomery County Libertarian Party and been given 5 minutes to speak. There are still slots available for anyone who wishes to speak against the proposed bill. The Million Moms will be out in force, especially after the shooting down at the White House. There are many ways you can help. 1-Call the council members and voice your opposition to this proposed bill. 2-Write the Council and voice your opposition. 3-Call the County Executive and let him know where you stand on this bill. 4-Write the local newspapers like the Gazette and the Washington Times. (do not waste your time with the Washington Post) 5-Attend the hearing. Do NOT let the Million Moms take over the hearing room. If we do not even try, we are sure to lose. The hearing starts at 7:30, but be there at 6:30 for a demonstration outside and to get a seat. The address is 100 Maryland Avenue in Rockville. It is adjacent to route 28 just north of the intersection of Viers Mill Road & Rockville Pike. There is an exit off I-270 for route 28 (go east on 28). Contact Steve Wilson (301-921-0426) for more information. February 16 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Timonium. February 16 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Baltimore City. February 19 (Monday): 7:30 pm. Montgomery County LP Business Meeting at Doris Gordon's home. For directions, call Doris at 301-460-4141. February 19 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. February 23 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Baltimore City. February 25 (Sunday): 5:00 pm. Organizational meeting for Howard and Carroll Counties. All those from Howard and Carroll counties who might be interested are invited, and are encouraged to attend, and of course others from outside the Howard/Carroll area are welcome. Several people new to the area and/or the LP have been contacted about the meeting, and plan to attend. Location: NATHAN HENRY'S Restaurant (in the upstairs lounge) at 6228 Sykesville Road (MD Route 32), Eldersburg, MD 410-795-7572 (restaurant phone). The restaurant is about 1000 feet south of the intersection of Route 32 and Route 26. Map here. For more information, contact Kevin Wolf 410-552-0616 (home). February 26 (Monday): 7:00 pm. Northwest Corridor Libertarians. February 26 (Monday): 7:30 pm. Harford County LP meeting. February 26 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. February 27 (Tuesday): 6:30 pm. LDDS, Prince Georges County. February 28 (Wednesday): 5:30-6:30 pm. Vigil at the White House on the 8th Anniversary of BATF's raid on the Branch Davidians. Request for George Bush to pardon the Davidian prisoners. Contact: Carol Moore. February 28 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Montgomery County. March 2 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Baltimore City. March 5 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. March 7 (Wednesday): 7:30 pm. Organizational meeting for Cecil County. POSTPONED. We are working on getting a new date and location for the first meeting. Most likely it will be Wednesday, March 21st, in Rising Sun, but this may change. Contact: David Sten (410-287-2823). March 9 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Anne Arundel County. March 9 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Baltimore City. March 12 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. March 14 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Eastern Baltimore County. March 14 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Montgomery County. March 16 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Timonium. March 16 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Baltimore City. March 19 (Monday): 7:30 - 10:00 pm. Montgomery County LP social meeting at Doris Gordon's home. Contact: Doris at 301-460-4141. March 19 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. March 23 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Baltimore City. March 26 (Monday): 7:00 pm. Northwest Corridor Libertarians. March 26 (Monday): 7:30 pm. Harford County LP meeting. March 26 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. March 27 (Tuesday): 6:30 pm. LDDS, Prince Georges County. March 28 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Montgomery County. March 28 (Wednesday): 7:30 pm. Organizational meeting of the Libertarian Party of Cecil County. Location: Rising Sun Library, room 732. Contact: David Sten (410-287-2823). March 30 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Baltimore City. March 30 - April 1 (Friday-Sunday): Pennsylvania LP Convention in Bethlehem, PA. Info here. April 2 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. April 6 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Baltimore City. April 8 (Sunday): 11:00 am. Rally/protest against governmental moves to scrap antique and classic vehicles in the name of environmental action. A caravan begins in Delaware near the intersection of I-295 and DE Route 9, and will head to the Mall in Washington, DC for a rally. More info: www.covacvag.org/covacvag032.htm. April 9 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. April 11 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Montgomery County. April 13 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Anne Arundel County. April 13 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Baltimore City. April 14 (Saturday): 10:00 am - afternoon. ABATE POKER RUN at Brewster's on Furnace Branch Road and Md. Route 10: Fundraiser for ABATE, we've been invited to have a table. "Let Freedom Ride." Looking for volunteers to staff the table, work for voter registration. Contact: Steve Boone. April 16 (Monday): 7:30 - 8:00 pm. Montgomery County LP business meeting. Then we go to the Silver Spring Post Office on Second Street to pass out funny money (Libertarian million dollar bills). I expect members (guests if you have them) to arrive before 7:30 so we can start the meeting on time. Please RSVP if you are attending the outreach event. If we have enough people we will cover additional post offices. I don't have a list yet of all the post offices that will be open late. If you know a post office in your area that will be open late you can cover it instead of going to Silver Spring. You can also cover the post office during the day. Feel free to make a sign for the outreach. There are a few rules we need to follow: Stay on public property (sidewalk, etc) Don't block the flow of people going in/out of the post office. Pass the fliers to them as they LEAVE the post office so there won't be a clutter of our literature in the post office. If you are going to cover your own post office, you may pick up fliers from me at our LDDS on April 11th. (If you need directions to the LDDS let me know) Give me a call if you can't pick them up at that time. Contact: Glenn Howard, 301-585-1793. April 16 (Monday): Tax Day activities at various post offices. Contact Beth Newman. April 20 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Timonium. April 20 (Friday): evening. 420 Festival fundraiser for the Fourth of July Hemp Coalition - we *MAY* have a table. Walther Productions, which is coordinating the event, has not finalized their plans as to whether they'll accept vendors at this writing. We're hoping they let us know well enough in advance so that we might get people there if they decide they will. The event will be at the Recker Theatre on York Road in Towson. Contact: Steve Boone. April 20 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Baltimore City. April 21 (Saturday): 10:00 am - 3:00 pm. Bill Gawthrop's regular monthly campaign seminar at the Maryland GOP Headquarters [Libertarians welcome!] in Annapolis -- sort of a soup-to-nuts workshop that several of our members have already taken and have had good things to say about. Contact Bill in advance so that he may send you the materials beforehand. THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THE EVENT! If you decide to attend, please let me know -- Steve Boone. April 21 (Saturday): Philadelphia area: Ken Krawchuk is doing a local activists workshop for PA that is also open to MD participants. While the discussions are primarily for candidates for Inspectors of Elections and Judges of Elections, other local offices will be on the agenda as well. Campaign techniques will comprise most of the afternoon discussions. Complete agenda and other information is available at: www.paonline.com/lpvoter/training.html Ken has offered the $10 "Student" rate to Marylanders who wish to attend, and says the afternoon sessions will be of particular interest to us rather than the morning, which concentrates on the judge and inspector positions. Contact him directly to register. If you decide to attend, please let me know -- Steve Boone. April 23 (Monday): 7:00 pm. HB790/SB486 (MEDCO) Petition Drive Kick-off for Baltimore County, Baltimore City, and Harford County. Where: Commodore Hall, 1909 Old Eastern Ave. Why: Find out about the "new and improved" MEDCO and its importance to you and the rest of the citizens of Maryland; find out about the petition drive to put this bill on referendum in the November 2002 election. Learn the plans for getting the required signatures by the end of May 2001 and June 2001. Info link #1 Info link #2 Want more information? Call 410-828-6202. April 23 (Monday): 7:00 pm. Northwest Corridor Libertarians. April 23 (Monday): 7:30 pm. Harford County LP meeting. April 24 (Tuesday): 6:30 pm. LDDS, Prince Georges County. April 25 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Montgomery County. April 27 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Baltimore City. April 29 (Sunday): 4:00-6:00 pm. Central Committee meeting at NATHAN HENRY'S Restaurant (in the upstairs lounge) at 6228 Sykesville Road (MD Route 32), Eldersburg, MD 410-795-7572 (restaurant phone). The restaurant is about 1000 feet south of the intersection of Route 32 and Route 26. Map here. Contact: Steve Boone. May 4 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Baltimore City. May 5-6 (Saturday-Sunday): Towsontown Spring Festival. We have a DOUBLE space this year. Yep... 28+ running feet of solid Libertarian "stuff". In the event of hard rain predictions, the date will be May 12 and 13. Festival runs on Saturday, from 10 am - 6 pm and on Sunday from 1 - 6 pm. On Saturday, if you can help set up, please arrive by 7 am. No vehicles will be allowed to enter the festival area after 8 am on Saturday, or after 11 am on Sunday. Pennsylvania and Chesapeake Avenues will maintain their one-way status for entry and exit. No parking is allowed on Baltimore Ave. or Courtland Ave. on the days of the festival. They suggest you use one of the 5 parking garages, which offer all-day parking for $3. If you can help man this massive space, please do! Also please bring whatever Libertarian literature you have, and a jug of water to refill the doggie bowl. Our spaces are #344 and #346. I'm fairly certain that this is the somewhat shady area that we had last year. They are located on the North side of Chesapeake Avenue, appx. 1 block up (west) from York Road. The curbs are marked with space numbers. Interesting update for this year: a "Challenge a Libertarian" idea has been proposed. As people walk by, they see a "Challenge a Libertarian" sign advertising that our libertarian expert can, in 30 seconds, give a concise and workable solution to any social/political problem anyone can name. We can also have Libertarian panelists who can decide how our "expert" did. It has lots of possibilities, so we're going to give it a try. So all you experts out there, please show up!! It could be a lot of fun. If you can help at all with the festival, please lemme know. If I've left anything out, just ask. Contact: Nancy Millionie. May 6 (Sunday): Bay Bridge Walk. Contact: Spear Lancaster. May 9 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Montgomery County. May 11 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Anne Arundel County. May 11 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Baltimore City. May 14 (Monday): 11:00 am. The Maryland chapter of the Million Mom March will be holding a press conference in Annapolis at Lawyers Mall to present Maryland Attorney General J. Joseph Curran with an "Apple Pie Award" for all of the work he has done to promote stricter gun control laws in Maryland. If you are able to attend, please do so and show the press that not all Marylanders support the Million Moms and "our" Attorney General. Contact: Steve Wilson. May 18 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Timonium. May 19 (Saturday): Joint Maryland/Virginia/District of Columbia LP picnic. To be rescheduled, possibly June 24 or June 25. Contact: Steve Sass. May 19 (Saturday): 11:00 am - 7:00 pm. Takoma Park JazzFest! In Jequie Park near the intersection of Fenton Street and Takoma Avenue in Takoma Park, Montgomery County (map here). Come by and visit the LP table and help out in the outreach event! Contact: Glenn Howard, 301-585-1793. May 20 (Sunday): Leonardtown Criterium. Help promote the Libertarian Party at a bicycle race in St. Mary’s county. Normally attracts hundreds of cyclists/fans of all ages, and it's a fun day where the center of town is shut down just for the race. Assist at a table where people can drop by during the inevitable lulls of the races. More info at www.paxvelo.com/2001LTC/2001LTC.asp. Volunteers are needed, not only for outreach, but also to serve as race marshals or perform other tasks to assist the race officials. We'll have a max of 5 people behind the booth at any one time, and others who can help by volunteering will be greatly appreciated. Contact: Charley Hardman . May 20 (Sunday): 5:00 pm. Carroll/Howard County Libertarians. Due to the Memorial Day weekend, we are holding our meeting the Sunday before in May. May 21 (Monday): 3:30 p.m. Maryland Delegate Don Murphy (R-Baltimore and Howard Counties) extends his string of medical marijuana rallies in the state to include Harford County. The rally will take place in downtown Bel Air between the county's Circuit and District Court Houses, both of which are located on West Courtland Street between Main and Bond Streets. Three delegates who represent portions of Harford County, Democrats Diane DeCarlo, Nancy Hubers and Dan Riley, co-sponsored the "The Darrell Putman Compassionate Use Act" in the 2001 legislative session. Delegate Murphy will be joined by Delegate Riley and other supporters at the Bel Air rally. Feel free to attend and bring signs that express support for medical marijuana. For example, signs could say "Let Doctors Decide" or "Stop Arresting Patients." Of course, be sure that the words on the signs are spelled correctly. For detailed information on the first three rallies, please visit the "In The News" section of MPP's Maryland site: http://www.mpp.org/MD. May 21 (Monday): 7:30 - 10:00 pm. Montgomery County LP social meeting at Doris Gordon's home. Jabari Zakiya, a volunteer representative from Americans for Fair Taxation, has agreed to speak briefly about the FairTax, which is a proposed Federal consumption tax, and to be available to answer questions about the FairTax. For directions, call Doris at 301-460-4141. May 22 (Tuesday): Living American Flag Program. (www.FlagDay.org) Contact: Nancy Millionie. May 22 (Tuesday): 6:30 pm. LDDS, Prince Georges County. On the Agenda: New officers sought, recruiting on campus. May 23 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Montgomery County. May 23 (Wednesday): 7:30 pm. Cecil County Libertarians. May 25-27 (Friday-Sunday): Big M Spring Bash. We have an excellent opportunity to gather signatures for the MEDCO petition and promote the big "L." The Big M Restaurant sponsors a spring bash every year and have agreed to allow us to work the show at will. Janet Hundt and other members of her team will have a table, but we can roam through the area and approach folks. Janice said they will have a rest area available so we can take breaks. The show opens at 7 AM and goes to 9 or 10 PM. Friday is slow but Sat is great, and at 10 PM they have fireworks. Sat will go to 11pm. Sunday is also good but not quite as good as Sat (fireworks again). I will be there Sat and Sun. They also have bands each day, I assume they start in the evening. 10,000 people expected. There are games and amusements for the complete family. We should get 500 minimum and maybe 1,000 total. The admission is $6 per day. Address: 3035 Churchville Rd., Churchville Md. 21008 (410-734-7788). Contact: Spear Lancaster 410-923-3331. May 26-27 (Saturday-Sunday): Auto show in Churchville. This is a huge show, and they have booth and a trailer for signature gatherers to take breaks in. Janice Hundt from the Maryland CPR team has gotten permission for us to roam the show at will, so we can use a lot of people. We need to get hopping on this issue or we will not qualify. The first cutoff in May is critical. Please do everything you can to gather sigs. If you need anything, please let me or one of the folks at Maryland CPR know. Please let Janice, me, or someone at Maryland CPR know if you can help. Contact: Spear Lancaster. May 27-28 (Sunday-Monday): HFSTival! WHFS's annual event has been moved this year and made a TWO day event at RFK Stadium in DC. The MD LP and other LPs in the region will have tables there. MD's aim is *definitely* registration at this event!!!! WE NEED VOLUNTEERS TO HELP!!! Please contact Nick Sarwark to volunteer. May 28 (Monday): 7:00 pm. Northwest Corridor Libertarians. May 28 (Monday): 7:30 pm. Harford County LP meeting. June 2 (Saturday): 11:00 am - 6:00 pm. Bowiefest. LP booth cancelled. Contact: Nancy Millionie. June 2 (Saturday): Sunfest in Rising Sun. Volunteer help at the booth would be appreciated. Contact Valerie McGlothlin (410-658-3063) or Dave Sten (410-287-2823) for more information. June 8 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Anne Arundel County. June 9 (Saturday): 10:00 am. The Libertarian Club of Baltimore has adopted a 3/4 mile section of Charles Street just south of the Beltway under the MD State Adopt-A-Highway Program. This is an LP publicity / Public Relations project of the Baltimore Area (and some very welcome other) Libertarians. We meet at the Ruxton Center on Charles Street (about one mile South of I-695). If you would like to join us, contact Bill Buzzell. June 13 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Montgomery County. June 15 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Timonium. June 16 (Saturday): 11:00 am - 6:00 pm. International Festival in downtown Silver Spring (Montgomery County) on Ellsworth and Fenton Streets (near where the old armory was located). THIS IS NOT THE SAME LOCATION AS LAST YEAR! I have arranged for a booth space for the Libertarian Party. Who would like to join me in getting others interested in the Libertarian Party and petition signatures? We have a big push on to get Spear Lancaster as gubernatorial candidate and the MEDCO bills on the ballot! We must arrive no later than 9:30 am to set up. If you can only spend part of the day there, fine. The food will be great - it was last year. Let me know as soon as you can. Contact: Glenn Howard, 301-585-1793. June 24 (Sunday): 5:00 pm. Carroll/Howard County Libertarians. June 25 (Monday): 7:00 pm. Northwest Corridor Libertarians. June 25 (Monday): 7:30 pm. Harford County LP meeting. June 25 (Monday): 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm. Montgomery County LP business meeting at Glenn Howard's condominium: 2105 Walsh View Terrace, #102, Silver Spring, MD 20902. Directions: Going north on Georgia Avenue from the Washington Beltway; go straight through the first intersection, Forest Glen Road (traffic light) and make the next left turn on to the Americana Finnmark Condominium grounds. Going south on Georgia from Wheaton, the Condominium entrance is to the right just beyond the first sign of the beltway entrance. After you turn onto the grounds, veer to the right and go all the way to the end of the parking lot and take a left. 2105 Walsh View is adjacent to the third left drive way. My apartment is on the first floor, #102. Contact: Glenn Howard, 301-585-1793. June 26 (Tuesday): 6:30 pm. LDDS, Prince Georges County. June 27 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Montgomery County. June 27 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Cecil County Libertarians. July 4 (Wednesday): Dundalk parade. It starts from Logan Village Shopping Center which is right on Dundalk Avenue. We are supposed to be there at 7:30 am. Take 695 toward Essex, and then take the Merrit Blvd. exit (I think it's exit 39), and go about 2 1/2 miles. You'll go through several lights (I think it's about 6). One is at German Hill Road. Then there are 1 or 2 among the shopping centers that line both sides of Merritt Blvd. The next one is at Holabird/Wise Avenue (a major intersection). I think there are 2 more after that. Then you'll go uphill toward railroad tracks. Right there, bear right and you'll see the Fire Department on your right (7-11 is on the left) and you'll probably see police cars blocking the road or at least directing traffic. This is Sollers Point Road. Turn left. Now you are going to go about 1/2 mile. Watch roads on the right, pass Mornington Rd. and then turn right onto Belclare Rd. Now you're going to go about another 1/2 mile. Follow Belclare until it dead ends at Dundalk Avenue at Logan Village Shopping Center. (You'll be approaching it from the back). We are usually toward the end of the parade, so head toward the left (south) end of the shopping center. It is true that we probably won't start marching until about 8:30 or so, but we need to decorate our float. We will need folks to carry flags and banners. Remember it will be HOT. Bring a cold insulated drink pack that we can carry in our float, for your use. Also, packing a wet face cloth in with your cold drinks is a good idea. Remember too to wear your LP tee shirts, or red white and blue. Contact: Nancy Millionie. July 4 (Wednesday): 32nd Annual Rally, March, and Concert to End Marijuana Prohibition - Washington, DC. Sponsored by the Fourth of July Hemp Coalition. Info: www.fourthofjuly.org. Two years ago we had a great time at the Hemp Fest on the Mall in D.C. In addition to several LP speakers, we set up a booth where the largest crowd of people stopped by in one day that I have ever seen in an LP outreach! Our speakers got them interested, we did the follow-up. Let's do it again this year! As last time, we have been offered help from Virginia & National LP. There are many residents from the Maryland area that come. I have talked to Ron Crickenburger from National LP who has volunteered to bring literature and T-shirts promoting our drug policy which he suggest we give to those who sign up for LP membership. I will be coordinating our booth and have offered the Montgomery County tent and tables & chairs. Please help our in this event! We would like to have at least eight people present at all times from noon to 8:00 pm - the hours of the event, plus we will need volunteers to help set up & take down the tent and signs, etc., and to cover the LP booth which will be in a grassy field (pun intended) just north of the Lincoln Memorial near the intersection of 23rd Street & Constitutional Avenue NW. I particularly need volunteers during the earlier hours before the speakers finish in Lafayette Park. We plan to set up starting at 10am. The nearest Metro station (to the booth) is Foggy Bottom and is a six block walk south on 23rd Street to the Fest. However if you are going to Lafayette Park first Farragut West is better.In the evening you can stay and see one of the nation's largest firework display. Contact: Glenn Howard, 301-585-1793. July 9 (Monday): Rescheduled for July 16. tentative meeting of the Frederick County LP; depends on responses. Pretty good chance it is going to be at the Outback Steakhouse on RT 40. Time is not set yet. Items to be discussed: upcoming outreach efforts; signature gathering for Spear; other topics. Contact: Mike Barnes, phone 301-695-9211. July 11 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Montgomery County. July 11 (Wednesday): 7:30 pm. Harford County LDDS. July 13 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Anne Arundel County. July 14 (Saturday): United Nations Protest Rally. Take a charter bus to NYC with the Maryland chapter of Tyranny Response Team. Let the United Nations know how you feel about their new plan to disarm the world's civilians. With people coming from all over the country, this promises to be a real Converge-O-Rama. Reserve a seat on the TRT bus and relax up and back. Details at www.saltypig.com/nycfreep/. Contact: Charley Hardman. July 16 (Monday): 7:00 pm. Frederick County LP meeting at the Outback Steakhouse on RT 40. Items to be discussed: upcoming outreach efforts; signature gathering for Spear; other topics. I will email an agenda to all positive responses so you can start thinking about the items in the agenda. Contact: Mike Barnes, phone 301-695-9211. July 16 (Monday): 7:30 - 10:00 pm. Montgomery County LP social meeting at Doris Gordon's home. Contact: Doris at 301-460-4141. Let's use this opportunity to discuss plans for the Montgomery County Agricultural Fair! How we can get the most out of it, who would like to cover what shift, ideas to promote Spear and the LP, etc. If anyone has something to donate as a raffle prize, let me know. Something freedom oriented - inexpensive - eye caching ... If you are interested in helping out at our booth, call Steve Wilson at 301 921-0426. We have a choice spot this year and the fairgrounds people estimate a crowd of 200,000 visitors! The fair is from Friday August 10th through Saturday August 18th in Gaithersburg. Our booth will be open from 10am to 10pm and we will have 3, four hour shifts per day. Cover two consecutive shifts if you can! We have passes to get you in free. For donations, mail a check payable to "Montgomery County Libertarian Party" to John Prue 14920 Schaeffer Road Boyds, MD 20841. July 18 (Wednesday): 1:00 - 5:00 pm. J. Millard Tawes Crab & Clam Bake at Somers Cove Marina in Crisfield. Tickets: $30 donation includes free mug and mallet. Food: All you can eat; Steamed crabs; Fried Fish; clams; raw bar; steamed & fried french fries; corn on the cob; onion rings; Beer & pepsi. Chance to see and talk to Governor lendenning and potential future Governor Townsend. We plan to eat under the 7,000 sq ft pavillion like last year. Tickets are limited to 5,000... so please send your money in by June 18th. Send a check made out to Michael Linder, P.O. Box 1261, Edgewood MD 21040. We plan to eat under the 7,000 sq ft pavillion like last year. Contact: Michael Linder, 410-569-2186. July 20 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Timonium. July 20-28 (Friday-Saturday): Cecil County Fair in Fair Hill. We could use some volunteers to help man the booth. The biggest problem will be covering the weekdays. The fair opens each day at 10:00 am (except the first Friday, when it opens at 4:00 pm) and closes at 10:00 pm. If you think that you can help out, please send me e-mail telling me when you will be able to volunteer. You can bring stuff if you have it, but I will have a good supply of literature (and petitions for Spear & voter registration forms) on hand. The Cecil County Fair is held on the fair grounds at Fair Hill on Rt. 273 outside of Elkton and not far from Newark, DE. Contact Valerie McGlothlin (410-658-3063) or Dave Sten (410-287-2823) for more information. July 22 (Sunday): 2:00 pm. Howard/Carroll LP has road adoption cleanup: Broken Land Pkwy in Columbia, between Snowden River Pkwy and Guilford Road. Meet at the Rt. 32 Bus Park and Ride (intersection of 32 and Broken Land Parkway). Wear your Libby T-shirts! Bring gloves, insect repellent, anything you can think of to make your day easier! The clean-up will be followed by our monthly meeting around 4:00 pm at Rocky Run Tap & Grill at Dobbin Road and Rt. 175 (date and location change this month only). The more, the merrier. Let me know if you can help. Contact: Gail Mangum. July 23 (Monday): 7:00 pm. Northwest Corridor Libertarians. July 23 (Monday): 7:30 pm. Harford County Libertarians. July 24 (Tuesday): 6:30 pm. LDDS, Prince Georges County. July 25 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Montgomery County. July 25 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Cecil County Libertarians. July 29 (Sunday): 5:00 pm. Rescheduled, this month only, for July 22. Carroll/Howard County Libertarians. August 4 (Saturday): MdLP picnic (1:00 - 6:00 pm) and Central Committee meeting (1:00 - 2:00 pm). Location: Elk Neck. Click here for details. LP groups from DC, Virginia, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey are cordially invited. Email Dave with expected number of mouths to feed. Glenn Howard will be coordinating carpooling from Montgomery County. If you wish to be part of a carpool, and especially if you can drive your car to the picnic and carry one or more passengers leaving from somewhere in Montgomery County, please contact Glenn at 301-585-1793. It is not necessary to live in Montgomery County to participate in a Mont. Co. carpool, only to be able to get to and from an agreed meeting place in Mont. Co. Glenn Howard's place is close to the Forest Glen Metro station, and close to the Beltway. It will take approximately 2 hours to drive from Montgomery County to the picnic site, and additional time should be allowed for meeting up with carpool participants, traffic problems, etc. To help with carpool planning, please try to make carpool arrangements early, especially if you can offer to drive. Carol Moore (202-635-3739) may be able to provide information about carpooling from DC. August 8 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Montgomery County. August 8 (Wednesday): 7:30 pm. Harford County LDDS. August 9 (Thursday): 7:00 pm. Montgomery County Fair planning session and Thank You party. This is for all volunteers, spouses, children, significant others, known associates, and just plain interesting people. Contact: Steve Wilson, 301-921-0426. August 10 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Anne Arundel County. August 10-18 (Friday-Saturday): Montgomery County Agricultural Fair in Gaithersburg. The fair is open from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm, except for August 10, when it is open from 3:00 to 10:00 pm. This year we are in a NEW location. We will be on the same side of the fairgrounds as the Republicans and the Democrats, right across from the main dining hall. This will be the best location in years to recruit new members and register voters for the LP. The theme of the fair this year, along with all other outreach events, is to register new voters to the LP. We have to be the party that people can turn to when they are "mad as hell and are not going to take it anymore." I would like to have 3 shifts per day. 10:00 - 2:00, 2:00 - 6:00, and 6:00 - 10:00. I would like to have at least 2 people per shift. Please let me or Larry Powers know when you can work. Thank you all for everything you have done for the MdLP and for the cause. Contact: Steve Wilson at 301-921-0426. August 11 (Saturday): 9:00 am. The Libertarian Club of Baltimore has adopted a 3/4 mile section of Charles Street just south of the Beltway under the MD State Adopt-A-Highway Program. This is an LP publicity / Public Relations project of the Baltimore Area (and some very welcome other) Libertarians. We meet at the Ruxton Center on Charles Street (about one mile South of I-695). If you would like to join us, contact Bill Buzzell. August 14 (Tuesday): 7:30 pm. MdLP Executive Board meeting in Pikesville. Contact: Steve Sass. August 17 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Timonium. August 18 (Saturday/Sunday): There is an ABATE Motorcycle Show in Hagerstown, and a festival at Oregon Ridge Park. Tony Spezio has the details on both, and can be contacted at 301-498-3436. August 20 (Monday): 7:30 - 10:00 pm. Montgomery County LP Business Meeting (social afterwards if we get done early.) The meeting with be at Glenn Howard's home. Contact: Glenn Howard, 301-585-1793. August 22 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Montgomery County. August 22 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Cecil County Libertarians. August 26 (Sunday): 5:00 pm. Carroll/Howard County Libertarians. The meeting will be held at Rocky Run Restaurant (on the bar side) on Dobbin Road and Rt. 175 in Howard County. Any questions, please call Kevin Wolf at 410-552-0616. August 27 (Monday): 7:00 pm. Northwest Corridor Libertarians. August 27 (Monday): 7:30 pm. Harford County Libertarians. August 28 (Tuesday): 6:30 pm. LDDS, Prince Georges County. September 3 (Monday): 1:00 - 3:00 pm. Gaithersburg 63rd Annual Labor Day Parade. (staging arrival time about 11:00 am.) We need at least 6 to 8 volunteers to help -- let's start spreading the word that we have a candidate for governor! The parade route is one mile long, and starts on East Diamond Ave. near Girard Place. We must be there no later than 12:30 pm. Step-off time will be at 1 pm, and the parade will last until about 3 pm. Our "line up" number is 30B. Contact: Glenn Howard, 301-585-1793. September 8-9 (Saturday-Sunday): Reisterstown Festival, Parade, and Fireworks. Please come, please help get signatures for Spear. Location is new: Hanna Moore Center in Baltimore County. Festival begins at 9 am on Saturday, with a parade down Reisterstown Road in Reisterstown, which will end at appx. 11 am. At that time, the Festival will officially open, and end Saturday night with a Fireworks display which starts at 8:45 pm. The Festival continues on Sunday, from 12 noon until 4 pm. I will start the initial setup of the booth on Friday evening with my girls. On Saturday morning continued setup, but all vehicles must be away from the grounds by 8:30 am. (I will be aiming to be there by 7:30 am.) Parking is available on the Mars/Ames parking lot, at Chartley Center, and other places along Reisterstown Road. Our booth location is: Area "A", space # 13. Hanna Moore Center is very close to I-795. Directions: Take 695 Beltway to exit 19 which is I-795. Take 795 to the second exit, Exit 7-A, Franklin Blvd, East. Move over to the left lane asap. Go through the 1st light to the 2nd light (Reisterstown Road), and Turn LEFT. See Burger King/Ames/Mars shopping center on your right. Pass the shopping center, including the Exxon and Car Wash at the north end. McDonald's will be on the left side. Make your next available right turn, into Hanna Moore Center. Bear left once inside, and you'll be directed toward area "A". Area "A" is as far back into the grounds as you can get from Reisterstown Rd., and to the east side of the Main Stage Area. If you are not coming early to set up, simply park on the Ames/Mars shopping center or, if full, proceed past Hanna Moore Center, traveling north on Reisterstown Road to the next light which is Chartley Blvd. You will see Chartley Shopping Center on your right. Turn right, and park there. Shuttles will be running from the lot to the festival throughout the day. Please come and help us make this a successful outreach event and signature gathering opportunity. Contact: Nancy Millionie (410-833-8991). September 12 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Montgomery County. September 12 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Special meeting (and our regular monthly meeting) of the Anne Arundel County Libertarians. We will also be moving the meeting from the Hong Kong Buffet across the parking lot to the Greene Turtle Restaurant. Our main topic will be the Anne Arundel County Fair. Directions: From North County - follow Route 2 (Solomon's Island Road) South. Go across the South River bridge and through the intersection at Mayo Road. Make a left on Mitchell's Chance Road (light) and a right into the parking lot of South River Colony Shopping Center (K-mart, Food Lion). The Greene Turtle sits across the parking lot near the Popeye's Fried Chicken Restaurant. From South County - follow Route 2 North. Make a right at the intersection of Route 214 (Central Avenue). Make the next left into the South River Colony Shopping Center. Contact: Michael Dobak, 410-798-6550. September 12 (Wednesday): 7:30 pm. Harford County LDDS. September 12-16 (Wednesday-Sunday): Anne Arundel county fair. Hours are: Wednesday 4:00 - 10:00 pm; Thursday noon - 10:00 pm; Friday 4:00 - 11:00 pm; Saturday 9:00 am - 11:00 pm; Sunday 9:00 am - 8:00 pm. We need volunteers for the evenings especially. For Libertarians helping to staff the booth, I have purchased tickets. It will be easy to get them, as we are only the second booth in from the gate. Just come to the gate and holler. You will see our booth bright eyed and bushy tailed. Contact: Spear Lancaster. September 14 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Anne Arundel County. Replaced this month with September 12 meeting. September 16 (Sunday): 7:00 am - 7:00 pm. Essex Day Fair. It's a BIG street fair - games, rides, crafts, bands. Bring the family. Help out an hour or two at our booth and see the fair. We need help all day -- please let me know if you can help, and the hours you can be there. Directions - I-695 to Eastern Ave (East) to the roadblock. Turn right. One Block. Turn Left. Park at Post office. Walk one block North. Turn Left. We should be in that block of Eastern Ave, on your left, near the government bldg. Contact: Bill Buzzell. September 17 (Monday): 7:00 - 10:00 pm. Montgomery County LP Social Meeting at Glenn Howard's home. Contact: Glenn Howard, 301-585-1793. September 21 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Timonium. September 22 (Saturday): 9:00 am - 9:00 pm. Elkton Fall Fest on Main Street in Elkton. Anyone who is interested in helping out for a short time is very welcome to join us. We have everything that we need for the booth - just bring yourselves. In addition to spreading the word about the Libertarian Party, we will be collecting signatures for Spear Lancaster. Anyone interested in helping us with the petitions is most welcome! We are also working with the Republicans (believe it or not) to obtain signatures to try and get an elected school board in Cecil County. Our county school board is appointed by the governor, which obviously gives the citizens of our county no control on who represents them on the board. Contact: Valerie McGlothlin (410-658-3063) September 22 (Saturday): 10:00 am - 5:00 pm. Germantown Oktoberfest: take the Middlebrook Road exit on Interstate 270 towards Germantown. This event will be located at Germantown Town Center, which is near the intersection of route 118 and Middlebrook Road. Contact: Chip Spangler. September 23 (Sunday): 11:00 am - 4:00 pm. Gaithersburg Olde Towne Day. Near Gaithersburg Elementary School and the Galania Shopping Center: from Interstate 270, exit onto Interstate 370 towards Gaithersburg. Take the Gaithersburg Towne Center exit. At the end of the exit bear right onto Route 355 (Frederick Ave.). Take Route 355 to the fourth light. Turn right onto South Summit Ave and proceed to the event. Contact: Glenn Howard, 301-585-1793. September 24 (Monday): 7:00 pm. Northwest Corridor Libertarians. September 24 (Monday): 7:30 pm. Harford County Libertarians. September 25 (Tuesday): 6:30 pm. LDDS, Prince Georges County. September 26 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Cecil County Libertarians. September 30 (Sunday): 5:00 pm. Carroll/Howard County Libertarians. October 6 (Saturday): 10:30 am - 6:00 pm. Frederick In The Streets - a festival held annually the first Saturday in October. Held on Market Street in downtown Frederick, this event originated as a way to celebrate the completion of major renovations to this major thoroughfare. IN THE STREET encompasses nine city blocks and includes five stages of entertainment (one dedicated to children’s performances), theme blocks, merchant activities, and culinary delights from the Frederick area. I am looking for the following, and will reimburse for supplies as needed: MDLP Literature; Spear2002 info; LP Literature (flyers explaining about the party, and also the issue specific ones); World's Smallest Political Quiz; some clipboards to hold petitions for various counties. I am looking for any volunteers that can help me out. Setup is prior to 10:30 (I plan on getting there about 8:30 ish) Parade starts at 10:30, then the streets open up to the people. The LP booth will be in the "Celebrate Frederick" block which is between 2nd and 3rd Streets, the block is marked with orange flags. I am going to try and secure a spot in the middle of the block. If you plan on coming and want to bring anything for the booth, it has to be something you can give away, you can't sell/raffle anything in the "Celebrate Frederick" block. Frederick is pretty easy to get to, 270 north from DC area, 70 West from Baltimore, 70 east from points west. 340 east from W.VA. 15 north from VA 15 south from PA. Mail me if you need specifics! Hope to see a bunch of you there! Contact: Mike Barnes, phone 301-695-9211. October 6-7 (Saturday/Sunday): 11:00 am - 7:00 pm each day. Fells Point Festival in Baltimore City. The Libertarian Party booth, space #26, will be on Broadway, southbound, next to the Broadway market. Coordinator is Susan Gaztañaga, 410-325-2813. October 7 (Sunday): 8:00 am - 3:00 pm. Darlington Apple Festival in Harford county. Contact: Roy Meyers III (410-879-5300). October 9 (Tuesday): 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Spear Lancaster speaks to the Montgomery Citizens for a Safer Maryland. The meeting takes place in the basement meeting room of the American Legion in Wheaton (Montgomery County). Take the Georgia Ave. exit on the Washington Beltway and head north to Wheaton. Turn right at Reedie Drive (there is a traffic light at the intersection). Then take the next left on to Fern St. The American Legion will be on the right just pass the parking garage. Go in the entrance by their parking lot. Contact: Glenn Howard, 301-585-1793. October 10 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Montgomery County. October 12 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Anne Arundel County. replaced with October 17 meeting? October 13 (Saturday): 10:00 am. The Libertarian Club of Baltimore has adopted a 3/4 mile section of Charles Street just south of the Beltway under the MD State Adopt-A-Highway Program. This is an LP publicity / Public Relations project of the Baltimore Area (and some very welcome other) Libertarians. We meet at the Ruxton Center on Charles Street (about one mile South of I-695). If you would like to join us, contact Bill Buzzell. October 13 (Saturday): noon - 4:00 pm. Spear Lancaster speaks at the Maryland State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. meeting at the Stoney Creek Fishing & Hunting Club in Pasadena Maryland. Noon - 2:00 pm lunch - picnic, meal tickets are $7 (you are not required to buy a meal ticket if you are only going to the meeting); 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm - Annual meeting and elections. Contact: Glenn Howard, 301-585-1793. October 14 (Sunday): 3:00-5:00 pm. Maryland Delegate Dana Dembrow, D-Silver Spring, hosts his annual "Octoberfest". Del. Dembrow, a co-sponsor of "The Darrell Putman Compassionate Use Act" in the last two legislative sessions, will use the event to lay out his plans for the 2002 legislative session, including the medical marijuana strategy. The event will take place at Del. Dembrow's home at 2917 Schubert Drive in Silver Spring. Schubert Drive is in the Tanglewood subdivision and accessible from Fairland Road, which intersects with Georgia Avenue (US 29) north of New Hampshire Avenue (MD 650). If you live in Maryland's 20th legislative district or support the efforts of legislators like Dana Dembrow to protect patients who use medical marijuana with their doctors' approval, you are encouraged to attend. Political donations are not required. For additional information, contact MPP's Richard Schmitz at 202-462- 5747 or Delegate Dembrow at 301-890-0225. To learn more about the effort in Maryland to protect medical marijuana patients from arrest and punishment, please visit: http://www.mpp.org/MD. October 15 (Monday): 7:30 - 10:00 pm. Montgomery County LP Business Meeting (social afterwards if we get done early). Doris Gordon has offered her place for the meeting. For directions, call Doris at 301 460-4141. Bring refreshments if you like - snacks / soda, Doris will supply the ice. Bring ideas on how we might continue to support Spear during the colder months. Contact: Glenn Howard, 301-585-1793. October 16 (Tuesday): 7:30 pm. MdLP Executive Board meeting in Baltimore. Contact: Shannon McMenamin. October 17 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Anne Arundel County LDDS at the Greene Turtle restaurant in Edgewater. The Greene Turtle is located in the South River Colony Shopping Center (Kmart, Food Lion) at the intersection of Solomon's Island Road (Route 2) and Central Avenue (Route 214). For further information or directions, drop me a line or email. Contact: Mike Dobak 410-798-6550. October 19 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Timonium. October 20-21 (Saturday/Sunday): 9:00 am - 6:00 pm. St. Mary's County Oyster Festival. The MdLP (Anne Arundel Chapter) has procured a booth. Our gubernatorial candidate, Spear Lancaster, plans to attend both days and we plan on getting A LOT of signatures! Do you like oysters? Do you like stuffed ham sandwiches? Clams? Burgers? Beer? Do you want to experience Southern Maryland at its best? Witness the U.S. National Oyster Shucking Contest. There are plenty of activities for the kids, too! C'mon down and spend a couple of hours (and help out with signatures!). If you plan on coming down, I should have my cell phone on (if I can get any signal). Give me a call (443-309-7137)! Admission: $4.00. Contact: Mike Dobak 410-798-6550. October 21 (Sunday): 12:30 - 5:30 pm. Maryland Citizens for Property Rights Bull and Oyster Roast fundraiser. An extensive menu will be featured along with beer and setups, plus live music by the well-known band Phat City. There will be wheels, raffles and a silent auction, all to benefit debts incurred by the successful referendum against Senate Bill 509. Please try and make time to attend and gather sigs. Also to show support for one of our best allies. Columbus Gardens is located at 4301 Klosterman Ave. off Belair Rd. in Perry Hall. Tickets are $30 per person. Contact Janice Hundt at 828-8247 or Ann Klohr at 410-922-4764 for tickets or information. October 22 (Monday): 7:00 pm. Northwest Corridor Libertarians. October 22 (Monday): 7:30 pm. Harford County Libertarians. October 23 (Tuesday): 8:00 pm. Lecture by Dave Borden, director of the Drug Reform Coordination Network at Western Maryland College. Info: www.LibertyWeek.org, or call Jeremy Keil at 410-751-8396. October 23 (Tuesday): 6:30 pm. LDDS, Prince Georges County. We are desperately seeking a new treasurer to replace our current one, who is resigning due to school. If another treasurer can't be found, then our party can't continue as an offical political committee. This may be the last meeting of the Prince George's County Libertarian Central Committee. Starting time is 7:00 pm and we stick around for approxiamtely 2 hours. I should mention that Happy Hour ends at 7, so feel free to arrive early! October 24 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Cecil County Libertarians. October 27 (Saturday): 9:30 am - midnight. MdLP Fall Convention at Luigi Petti's Restaurant in Little Italy. Contact: Shannon McMenamin. October 28 (Sunday): 5:00 pm. Carroll/Howard County Libertarians. November 3 (Saturday): 10:00 am. The Oct 13th date did not draw enough support, so we still need to get in our last clean up for 2001. Therefore: The Libertarian Club of Baltimore has adopted a 3/4 mile section of Charles Street just south of the Beltway under the MD State Adopt-A-Highway Program. This is an LP publicity / Public Relations project of the Baltimore Area (and some very welcome other) Libertarians. We meet at the Ruxton Center on Charles Street (about one mile South of I-695). If you would like to join us, contact Bill Buzzell. November 6 (Tuesday): Election Day in Annapolis and Rockville. We KNOW that the folks that come out of the polls that day will be registered to vote, and would be primo candidates to get to sign the petitions for Spear's nomination. If anyone is available to help on that day, whether just for a couple hours or for several hours or all day, please let me know. We'll have polling locations and hours up shortly. Thanks! Steve Boone. November
8 (Thursday): November
9 (Friday): November 13 (Tuesday): 7:00 - 9:00 pm. Frederick County Libertarian Party Meeting at Roy Rogers Restaurant meeting room, Ballanger Creek Pike, Frederick. The room is reserved under my name. Why? Discuss our organization in the county and actions to be taken in the near future. Who? Yourselves and anyone you fell may be interested in coming. What to bring? Your smiling personalities and inventive ideas. Please RSVP. Contact: Mike Barnes 301-695-9211. November 14 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Montgomery County. November 14 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Anne Arundel County Libertarians monthly meeting (LDDS). The meeting will be at Mike's Crab House on Riva Road (3030 Old Riva Road, Riva; it is on the southern banks of the South River on Riva Road). For more detailed directions, check out Mike's Crab House's web site at www.mikescrabhouse.com, or call them at 410-956-2784. Contact: Mike Dobak November 15 (Thursday): 7:30 pm. MdLP Executive Board meeting. Contact Nick Sarwark for information and directions. November 16 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Timonium. November 19 (Monday): 7:30 - 10:00 pm. Montgomery County LP Social Meeting at Glenn Howard's home. Contact: Glenn Howard, 301-585-1793. November 25 (Sunday): 5:00 pm. Carroll/Howard County Libertarians. November 26 (Monday): 7:00 pm. Northwest Corridor Libertarians. November 26 (Monday): 7:30 pm. Harford County Libertarians. November 27 (Tuesday): 6:30 pm. LDDS, Prince Georges County. November 28 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Cecil County Libertarians. December 2 (Sunday): 7:00 - 9:00 am. Nick Sarwark on Metro Talk with host Jerry Phillips on WBIG 100.3 FM "Oldies 100" and WTEM AM 980 "Sports Talk 980". The other guests are the chair of the MD Republican party and a representative from the MD Democratic party. The show broadcasts from 7:00 - 9:00 am, but our segment is scheduled at 7:30 or thereabouts. If someone would be so kind as to tape it, I'd appreciate it. Also, if anyone has any suggestions for specific talking points related to Maryland issues that you think would be worth bringing up, please email or call me. Contact: Nick Sarwark at 301-439-2139. December 4 (Tuesday): 6:00 - 10:00 pm. Senator Mooney holds Education Forum. Spear Lancaster is one of the breakout session leaders! MSPAP and Maryland Education Summit "Empowerment for Parents" at Gov. Thomas Johnson Middle School in Frederick. Take I-70 Exit 54 North (Market Street) through Frederick to a right onto Schifferstadt Street to Gov. Thomas Johnson Middle School. Event will be held in the multi-purpose room just inside main entrance to the school. Contact: Mike Barnes, phone 301-695-9211. December 8 (Saturday): 6:00 pm - midnight. Montgomery county holiday party, potluck, business meeting, and fundraising auction at Doris Gordon's home in Wheaton. FOR ALL LIBERTARIAN PARTY MEMBERS AND THEIR GUESTS! Maryland, DC, Virginia, National LPer's & out of town LP members and guests. Call Doris for directions, 301-460-4141. The grand sequence of events is: 6:00 Pot Luck; if you have a favorite dish that you must have everyone try, bring it! Otherwise, please follow the following guideline by last name: A-F main dish, G-O dessert, P-Z side dish, vegetable, salad, bread. Giant Food and other stores have lots of ready made items. 7:00 Montgomery County LP Business Meeting: let's keep it short, however there are some important items to discuss. The meeting will be in a separate room from the party. 8:00 Gift Auction Fundraising Event: Same as past years. Bring three wrapped gifts worth at least $5 apiece. Part of the proceeds will go to the MD State LP. Afterwards: Fun and party until midnight! Contact: Glenn Howard, 301-585-1793. December 12 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Montgomery County. December 12 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Anne Arundel County Libertarians monthly meeting (LDDS). The meeting will be at Mike's Crab House on Riva Road (3030 Old Riva Road, Riva; it is on the southern banks of the South River on Riva Road). For more detailed directions, check out Mike's Crab House's web site at www.mikescrabhouse.com, or call them at 410-956-2784. Contact: Mike Dobak. December
14 (Friday): 7:00 pm. December 17 (Monday): 7:30 pm. MdLP Executive Board meeting. Contact Glenn Howard for information and directions, 301-585-1793. December 18 (Tuesday): Prince George's County, First Council District primary election. Excellent opportunity for collecting petition signatures. Contact: Tony Spezio at 301-498-3436. December 21 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Timonium. December 26 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Cecil County Libertarians. December 30 (Sunday): 5:00 pm. Carroll/Howard County Libertarians.
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