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Libertarian Party of Maryland


Jobs Stimulus
Robert E. Glaser
8 December 2009

Schnecksville Q&A
YouTube Video

On December 4, President Obama was in Schnecksville, PA and took questions from the audience. A sophomore at Lehigh Carbon Community College asked:

"Mr. Obama, I really appreciate how you’re trying to stimulate the economy to help this country out. And I was just wondering in LCCC in college we’ve been studying some criminology and I was wondering if -- maybe if you checked out some of the statistics about legalizing prostitution, gambling, drugs, and nonviolent crime in order to stimulate some of the economy? (Laughter.)"

The President's response: "You know, I have to say this -- I appreciate the boldness of your question. (Laughter.) That will not be my jobs strategy. (Laughter.)"

We Libertarians don't think it's so funny. I applaud the young man.