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Central Committee Minutes Minutes of the Central Committee of the Libertarian Party Opening: The Libertarian State Central Committee of Maryland met at Squire’s Italian Restaurant in Dundalk, Maryland. The meeting was called to order at 5:19 pm by chairman Bob Johnston. The Treasurer's report and agenda were distributed. Attendance: the Credentials Committee consisted of: Robert Glaser; Dave Sten; and Bill Buzzell. It validated that 17 Central Committee members were in attendance for the meeting. One proxy was represented. The Central Committee rolls consist of 34 members. Minutes: The minutes of the 22 August 2009 and 21 November 2009 Central Committee meetings were accepted as submitted. Treasurer’s report: The Treasurer's report was accepted as modified (noting monies due BLP affiliate). Chair’s Report: Bob Johnston reports on membership: 91 as of 2/28/10, was 61 at this time last year; one of his goals has been to get membership back to triple digits; has been aggressive in getting people to join; contacted all 2009 non-renewees; working on 2008 non-renewees. Registered MD Libs: Ex. Board has been discussing mailing out next newsletter to selected groups of registered MD Libs; almost 8000 (nearly caught up with the Green Party), can send in bulk @56 cents per person; mail in groups of 500 or 1000; perhaps start with Balto. City, since Doug and Susan live there, and keep sending out, depending on response. Speaking Engagements: local C4L in December; Fans Of Ron Smith Show in February; prefer candidates to speak to groups, but happy to do so himself if requested. Candidates: wants to run a full slate of candidates for U.S. House; currently have candidates in 1st and 2nd Cong. Dist., as well as two for state House; also in communication with two potential candidates for U.S. Senate; running candidates gets message out; gives us legitimacy as a party; gets the name "Libertarian" out; people complain why we don't win elections; need to run again and again; marketing rule of 7 (people need to see something 7 times to realize its benefits); MD couldn't run candidates until recently due to ballot access laws. David Nolan's article on why have a Lib. Party handed out. Win Or Change Minds: do we want to win elections now, or do we want to change hearts and minds; we'll win when significant # understand what we're about and want it. Problems: lack of money and resources; first past the post election system; we're radical to most, but becoming less every day. Can Make Noise: Susan and Doug sales tax and bring Nat. Guard home left and right issue; both hardcore; clear, tangible (unlike flat or fair tax). Example: Ctr Small Govt. - war of attrition; will help any candidate with their methodology. Our Time Will Come: country can't keep going on this path, people will look for alternative; only party with issues on both left and right; neither party has legitimacy on spending, war, civil liberties. Republicans Biggest Threat: steal our message and rhetoric, never come through; populist small-gov movement every 15 years, +/- year. Goldwater to Nixon: wage & price, escalation of war, fiat currency. Reagan: tripled deficit, spending 2/3 > Carter, 4x prison pop.; "just say no." Rep. Rev.: eliminate ed., energy, CPB; $10T debt, $2.9T budget, fed. drug, fed. school (no child), highest per-cap prison pop (>China, Russia); both Houses of Congress, White House, governors, state legs., SCOTUS. Ron Paul 08 how R's treated him. Maintain Legitimacy: R's need our legitimacy; they have none on small gov.; other issues besides taxes and guns; go after D's on war and civil liberties (esp. MD); maintain our identity; we're the alternative to D's and R's. Jim Lark, LNC Region 5 Rep: delegates at the national convention will not be kept off the floor for any unpaid fee, should be called a donation. Spear Lancaster: General Assembly bill SB710 on ballot access; only other person testifying was from the Green Party. We should have more participation. It would reduce the 10,000 signature requirement to 5,000 to get the party recognized. Muir Boda: wrote a letter to the editor to Salisbury newspaper criticizing the Mayor, who is doing code enforcement on landlords; a lady bought a home with a room above the garage; the zoning board said the tenant had to vacate; the Mayor emails Muir, threatening code enforcement in his neighborhood; nice back-and-forth between the two. Muir happy to receive a personal email from the mayor! Officer Elections: The following were nominated as officers: Robert Johnston III, David Sten, Robert Glaser, Michael Linder, Lorenzo Gaztaņaga, Muir Boda, and Justin Kinsey. As there were no more than seven nominations and there were no objections, the nominations were voted upon as a slate; a voice vote approved the slate. Program Committee’s Report: the Program Committee recommended no changes to the State Program; therefore there was no vote to be made. Delegates to the National Convention: Derek Pomery, Michael Linder, Susan Gaztaņaga, Lorenzo Gaztaņaga, Darlene Nicholas, Leo Dymowski, Robert Johnston, Spear Lancaster, Stuart Simms, Jerry McKinley, Steve Boone, Allen Nicholas, Wayne Daugherty, Arlo Pignotti, and Dave Sten were nominated and approved. The Secretary is directed to fill out the delegate and alternate lists with remaining Central Committee members. Any designated alternate can notify the Secretary to become a delegate prior to the submission deadline. Nominations of Candidates for Statewide Office: Jerry McKinley was nominated for U.S. Congress 3rd district (currently registered Independent, is re-registering Libertarian); Arvin Vohra (believes he is registered Libertarian, will verify and change if not) was nominated for the House of Delegates district 15; the body agreed that these nominations are contingent upon the candidates obtaining Libertarian registration forthwith; both were approved by voice vote. Proposed Constitutional amendment: Append to Article VII Section 1: At the time of filing, all candidates of the Maryland Libertarian Party to public office must be registered Libertarian as defined in the qualification for Central Committee membership. Approved on a voice vote. The investigatory committee shall be Lorenzo Gaztaņaga, Dean Ahmad, Bill Buzzell, Steve Boone, and Robert Johnston. Jack Gordon: is running in 42nd district for House of Delegates as a Republican; argues that the Republican party still stands for a lot of libertarian principles. Susan Gaztaņaga: credits Denise Minter for waking her up to the Gubernatorial campaign. Observes that voters in far flung regions voted for third party candidates without any campaigning in their areas. Thinks issuing an executive order to return the Md. National Guard, and bringing the state sales tax down from 6% to 0% in 8 years are good campaign issues. Would have a contest to replace the embarrassing state song. Announcements: the Central Committee thanked Bob Johnston for arranging the Convention. Michael Linder announced that Sheriff Mack will be speaking in Westminster on March 29. Adjournment: the Central Committee meeting adjourned at 7:01 pm. --Robert E. Glaser
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