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Libertarian Party of Maryland

CC Minutes | | PDF format | Audio Recordings

Central Committee Minutes

Minutes of the Central Committee of the Libertarian Party
of Maryland -- Saturday, 12 March 2011

Opening: The Libertarian State Central Committee of Maryland met at Squire's Italian Restaurant in Dundalk, Maryland. The meeting was called to order at 5:31 pm by chairman Bob Johnston. The Treasurer's report and agenda were distributed.

Attendance: the Credentials Committee consisted of: Robert Glaser; Mark Grannis; and Doug McNeil. It validated that 19 Central Committee members were in attendance for the meeting. Two proxies were represented. The Central Committee rolls consist of 34 members.

Minutes: The minutes of the 21 August 2010 Central Committee meeting were accepted as submitted.

Treasurer's report: The Treasurer's report was accepted.

Chair's Report: Membership is at 102 as of 3/1/11. Bob has been aggressive in contacting those who haven't yet renewed in the last two years. Registration is 9,282 as of 2/28/11, growing at a nice clip towards the 1% level. Ballot Access: turned in 13,787 sigs in Jan.; have roughly another 100 on hand, plus a paid petitioner is collecting another 975 sigs; will have submitted around 14,900 as of the final turn-in on March 16. The BoE has until March 27 to finish counting. The Court of Appeals did not get back to the BoE on which sig standard to use, thus must use tougher "Doe" standard – where signature/printed name/voter reg card must all match; difficult to get 10k certified with present sig standard; not sanguine about acceptance rate; in process of setting up a lawsuit with Green Party (& Constitution Party?), just in case. Doug McNeil announced that we're expecting both Lib/Greens will lose status because nobody can meet this new standard. Joint meeting tomorrow on lawsuit strategy at 11:00 am with Greens on this issue; three or four attorneys are working on it; afraid we will lose ballot access and our registered voters. 2012 elections: 8 U.S. House seats, 1 U.S. Senate; hope those who ran previously will run again; already have interest from two others; will be having nominations later this year, at the picnic and next year's convention. Municipal elections: 157 self-governing municipalites in Md.; most have elections in odd-numbered years; Balto. City and Annapolis will also be having elections. Muir Boda running for Salisbury City Council, election on April 5; the top 3 get elected to the Council; this is a winnable race. He is campaigning door-to-door; writing letters to editor; has already raised thousands of dollars; Bob will be helping out on 4/5. LDDS: after convention and ballot access drive, Bob will be starting up a local meet group in the Dundalk area; every 2 or 3 months, nothing fancy; encourages others to start their own. We need to get involved with the Campaign for Liberty; they were at CPAC, have numbers, finances, and organization; we can double our numbers by getting them on our side, assuming Ron Paul doesn't get the Rep. nomination; Bob is a member of the Balto. group.

Defender of Liberty Award: Bob Johnston presented Susan Gaztaņaga with a DoL award due to her extensive campaigning at the top of our ticket for the gubernatorial run; we were well represented; she brought new groups into the campaign; she and Lorenzo covered 6,000 miles traveling throughout the state.

Samuel P. Chase Freedom Award: the group of previous recipients presented the SPCFA to Bob Johnston for recruiting candidates and running campaigns for the last seven years; handling memberships for six years; organizing our convention the past six years; and overseeing the ballot access drives in 2006 and 2010. His candidate recruitment was a major factor in securing a large donation from the LNC for our 2010 ballot access drive. The group temporarily suspended the tradition of excluding sitting chairs from consideration in order to select Bob, and emphasized that he is not getting the award because he is Chair. Lorenzo Gaztaņaga presented the silver coin.

Officer Elections: The following were nominated as officers: Robert Johnston III, Muir Boda, Robert Glaser, Michael Linder, Lorenzo Gaztaņaga, Arvin Vohra, and Mark Grannis. As there were no more than seven nominations and there were no objections, the nominations were voted upon as a slate; a voice vote approved the slate.

Program Committee's Report: the Program Committee recommended no changes to the State Program; therefore there was no vote to be made.

Constitutional Amendment:

    Append to Article VII Section 1: At the time of filing, and continuously through the date of the corresponding General Election, all candidates of the Maryland Libertarian Party to public office must be registered Libertarian as defined in the qualification for Central Committee membership stated in Article IV, Section 2. Should any candidate fail to meet this qualification after nomination and if the state has already been notified of that nomination, the Chairman and Secretary are directed to notify the State Board of Elections that the Party's nomination is rescinded.

    Append to Article VII Section 2: Should the Local Central Committee of the corresponding jurisdiction not exist, or not be recognized by the appropriate County or State Board of Election, or the jurisdiction crosses the boundary of more than one such Local Central Committee, or the duly authorized Chairman of an empowered recognized Local Central Committee so request, the State Central Committee may nominate such candidates in the same manner as described in Section 3 of this Article.

It was noted that an Investigating Committee had not been formed to prepare a recommendation on the amendment, so the matter was tabled until the next meeting. The committee shall consist of Bob Johnston, Dean Ahmad, Stuart Simms, Robert Glaser, and Mike Calpino.

Announcements: Robert Glaser reminded all that MdLP license plates are available to our members, contact him for the authorizing MVA form. Michael Linder prodded for booth assistance at the Towsontowne Festival on 4/30-5/1; and noted that the Chesapeake Pride festival requests our presence on August 20.

Adjournment: the Central Committee meeting adjourned at 6:26 pm.

---Robert E. Glaser

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