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CC Minutes | | PDF format Central Committee Minutes Minutes of the Central Committee of the Libertarian Party Opening: The Libertarian State Central Committee of Maryland met at Arvin Vohra’s home in Bethesda, Maryland. The meeting was called to order at 4:14 pm by chairman Bob Johnston. Attendance: the Credentials Committee consisted of: Robert Glaser; Eric Blitz; and Tony Spezio. It validated that 14 Central Committee members were in attendance for the meeting. Two proxies were represented. The Central Committee rolls consist of 31 members. Minutes: The minutes of the 6 April 2013 Central Committee meeting were accepted as submitted. Treasurer's report: the revised report for 7/28/2012–4/5/2013 and the report for Chair's Report: Bob Johnston reports that we have 85 members to date; we have 12,108 registered voters as of June 30; registrations have gone up 48% in 3 years. We are caught back up on renewals. We will be running a slate of candidates in 2014: Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and U.S. House; currently have 3 locks for House, plus 2 other possibilities; the state deadline is 2/25 for the Declaration of Intent filing; all interested in running contact Bob. We thank Arvin for hosting the picnic. Present from the LNC are Jim Lark, Bill Redpath, Arvin Vohra, and Scott Spencer. Eric Blitz: Volunteer Coordinator Eric has organized 5 working groups: Social Media and Outreach; Fundraising; Social Events; Data, Polling, Research; and Membership. Follow through is going slowly. Planning on holding a physical meeting shortly. Some university outreach. National Rep. Jim Lark: thanks Scott and other colleagues for work on the LNC. At the LNC meeting in Las Vegas on 7/14, it was determined that Wes Benedict will become Executive Director on 8/1; Carla Howell will become the Political Director. Update on purchasing a new national office. Proposed Constitutional Amendment: At the April 6, 2013 meeting of the Maryland Libertarian Party, the following amendment was proposed to be added as a new paragraph K to section 6, article V:
The committee finds that the proposal gives strength to the ability of the Executive Board to be open and yet maintain its integrity and that open governance is consistent with our advocacy of open government. The committee notes that concern has been expressed that an observer who doesn’t like a hard decision and could make a deal about it before the Central Committee, but we see this as a virtue not a flaw. As to concerns as to whether the amendment would impose new notice requirements, we do not see that this is the case, but the time and place of EB meetings should be given to Central Committee members who ask. We unanimously recommend the passage of the amendment. --Dean, Lorenzo, Scott, Stuart, Robert The amendment passes on a hand count. Tony Spezio: on campaign literature; suggests a more unified approach for our candidates; inquiry about status of national buttons, etc. Announcements: a reminder of upcoming events: Reisterstown parade Sept. 7, Essex Day Sept. 15. Robert Glaser has forms with him for MdLP license plates, and MdLP caps for sale. Michael Linder informs that monthly pledges can now be handled by the user on our website. Jim Lark mentions that Virginia candidates could use help on election day 2013. Ben Parker provided a list of liberty oriented websites. Adjournment: the meeting adjourned at 5:37 pm. --Robert E. Glaser
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