![]() 1-800-MLP-1776 This webpage:
January 3 (Thursday): Deadline for submissions for the January issue of the Free? State Libertarian. January 5-6 (Saturday/Sunday): Silverado Gun Show at Gaithersburg Fairgrounds in Montgomery County. The hours are Saturday 9am to 5pm and Sunday 9am to 4pm. If you can only work a half day, that's fine. Montgomery Citizens for a Safer Maryland is planning to have a table where they will let us gather petition signatures for Spear. Let's keep the ball rolling in getting Spear on the ballot! Contact: Glenn Howard, 301-585-1793. January 6 (Sunday): 7:40 - 8:30 am. Nick Sarwark appears on Metro Talk. January 9 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Montgomery County. January 9 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Anne Arundel County Libertarians. Topics of discussion will include Spear Lancaster's gubernatorial campaign, new requirements for gun buyers, and redistricting. Happy New Year! Contact: Michael Dobak, 410-798-6550. January 14 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. January 16 (Wednesday): 7:30 pm. MdLP Executive Board meeting in Owings Mills. Contact Robert Glaser for directions, 410-363-8748. January 18 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Timonium. January
20 (Sunday): 1 January 21 (Monday): 6:30 pm. LDDS, Prince Georges County. Moved from Tuesday to Monday this month. January 21 (Monday): 7:30 - 10:00 pm. Montgomery County Social Meeting at Glenn Howard's home. Drop by when you can. Bring snacks and refreshments if you wish. Glenn will provide ice. Contact: Glenn Howard, 301-585-1793. January 21 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. January 22 (Tuesday): Prince George's County, First Council District general election. Excellent opportunity for collecting petition signatures. Contact: Tony Spezio at 301-498-3436. January
22 (Tuesday): January 23 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Cecil County Libertarians. January 27 (Sunday): 2:00 - 6:00 pm. MdLP Central Committee meeting at Montgomery's Grille Restaurant in Bethesda, 7200 Wisconsin Ave. LP candidate selection for 2002 Maryland elections. Directions: From the Capital Beltway I-495, west of exit 34: take the MD-355 exit 34 and go south for 2.8 miles; from the Capital Beltway I-495, east of exit 33: take the Connecticut Ave. exit 33 south for 0.5 mile; turn right onto Jones Bridge Road; go 1.1 miles; turn left onto MD-355; go 1.1 miles. Inclement weather date: Saturday, February 2. Contact: Shannon McMenamin. January 27 (Sunday): 5:00 pm. Carroll/Howard County Libertarians. January 28 (Monday): 7:00 pm. Northwest Corridor Libertarians. January 28 (Monday): 7:30 pm. Harford County Libertarians. January 28 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. February 2 (Saturday): 9:00 - 11:00 pm. Lauren Hill appears on the Pat McDonough show on WCBM (680 AM). February 3 (Sunday): 7:40 - 8:30 am. Nick Sarwark appears on Metro Talk. February 4 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. February 6 (Wednesday): Lecture by Gregory Kane of the Baltimore Sun at Western Maryland College. Info: www.LibertyWeek.org, or call 410-751-8396. February 11 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. February 13 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Montgomery County. February 13 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Anne Arundel County Libertarians. Topics of discussion will include Spear Lancaster's gubernatorial campaign, HB605 (concealed carry bill) sponsored by Delegate Carmen Amendori, and redistricting. February 14 (Thursday): Frederick Douglass and Terry Atwood memorial day (MdLP Central Committee resolution 2/20/99). WHEREAS Frederick Douglass
(1817-1895) was a champion of the liberty of all people throughout his
life; February 15 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Timonium. Moved to February 22 this month. February 18 (Monday): 7:30-10:00 pm. Montgomery County LP Meeting at Glenn Howard's home. Since we did not get a full two weeks (14 days) notice in the mail, this meeting can't be a business meeting as originally planned. However, there is plenty to talk about, without doing official business, as events for the Spring are approaching. I will have soft drinks and ice. Bring snacks if you like. Contact: Glenn Howard, 301-585-1793. February 18 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. February 20 (Wednesday): 7:30 pm. MdLP Executive Board meeting in Pikesville. Contact Steven Sass for directions, 410-602-8401. February 22 (Friday): 7:00 pm. Baltimore County LP Central Committee meeting for the purpose of elections at LDDS, Timonium. February 24 (Sunday): 5:00 pm. Carroll/Howard County Libertarians. February 25 (Monday): 7:30 pm. Harford County Libertarians. February 25 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. February 25 (Monday): Deadline for submissions to the March-May Montgomery County newsletter. Contact: Larry Powers, interim editor. February 26 (Tuesday): 6:30 pm. LDDS, Prince Georges County. February 27 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Cecil County Libertarians. March 3 (Sunday): 8:10 - 9:00 am. Nick Sarwark appears on Metro Talk. March 4 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. March 7 (Thursday): 7:00 pm. Frederick County LP meeting at Roy Rogers on Ballenger Creek Pike. RSVP to Mike Barnes, phone 301-695-9211. March 11 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. March 13 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Montgomery County. March 13 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Anne Arundel County Libertarians. Topics of discussion will include Spear Lancaster's gubernatorial campaign, HB605 (concealed carry bill) sponsored by Delegate Carmen Amendori, and items of general interest. March 15 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Timonium. March 16 (Saturday): 12:00 - 9:00 pm. Libertarian Party of Delaware Convention in Wilmington. MdLP'ers welcomed. Spear Lancaster is among the speakers. Info: www.de.lp.org/con2002.html. March 18 (Monday): 7:30-10:00 pm. Montgomery County LP Business Meeting at Doris Gordon's home (for directions, call Doris at 301-460-4141). Bring refreshments if you like - snacks / soda, Doris will supply the ice. Contact: Glenn Howard, 301-585-1793. March 18 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. March 24 (Sunday): 5:00 pm. Carroll/Howard County Libertarians. March 25-30 (Monday-Saturday): Liberty Week at Western Maryland College. The week will include lectures, debates, and a pro-liberty concert on Saturday. Schedule: Monday, March 25: Doug Bandow, Senior Fellow at the CATO Institute (Decker Auditorium (Lewis Hall of Science), 8pm); Tuesday, March 26: Del. Carmen Amedori, Maryland House, District 5 (McDaniel Lounge, 8pm); Wednesday, March 27: Presidential Candidate Harry Browne (Alumni Hall, 8pm); Thursday, March 28: Carroll County Commissioner Julia Walsh Gouge (McDaniel Lounge, 8pm); Saturday, March 30: Jam For Sudan (raise money for medical supplies in the Sudan and a battered women's shelter in Carroll County) (Forum, Decker College Center, 12pm) $5 adults/$3 students; Saturday, March 30: Presidential Candidate Ralph Nader (Alumni Hall, 8pm). For updates and more info, go to www.LibertyWeek.org, or call 410-751-8396. March 25 (Monday): 7:30 pm. Harford County Libertarians. March 25 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. March 26 (Tuesday): 6:30 pm. LDDS, Prince Georges County. March 27 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Cecil County Libertarians. March 27 (Wednesday): 8:00 pm. Harry Browne speech, Freedom in your Lifetime, in the Western Maryland College Theatre (Alumni Hall). Dinner with Harry at 6:00 pm; cost $13.50 per person. Contact: Jeremy Keil at 410-812-4335. April 2 (Tuesday): Bowie Election Day. Good signature opportunity for Spear Lancaster for Governor. Contact: Tony Spezio 301-498-3436. April 6 (Saturday): 9:00 am. George Getz, the National Libertarian Party Press Secretary, will appear on Bruce Elliott's show on WBAL radio (1090 AM, Baltimore). April 6/7 (Saturday/Sunday): Silverado Gun Show at Frederick Fairgrounds. Saturday 9am to 5pm, Sunday 9am to 4pm. We will be at the Montgomery Citizens for a Safer Maryland table. Help collect petition signatures. Spear is planning on being there Sunday. Please let me know rather than just showing up (by Friday morning so I can forward your name so you can get in free). Contact: Glenn Howard, 301-585-1793. April 7 (Sunday): 8:10 - 9:00 am. Nick Sarwark appears on Metro Talk. April 8 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. April 10 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Montgomery County. April 10 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Anne Arundel County Libertarians. Topics of discussion will include Spear Lancaster's gubernatorial campaign, the medical marijuana bill, and local and national items and events which could curtail your freedom. April 10 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Candidate Forum at UMBC. The University of Maryland Baltimore County Libertarians have scheduled Spear Lancaster to speak in Fine Arts Building 306. Direction to UMBC can be found at http:// www.umbc.edu/aboutumbc/directions.html. If any of you can come and lend support to Spear as he debates issues with candidates from the Republican, Democrat, and Green Parties, it would be appreciated. Contact: Rich Goldman. April 11 (Thursday): 8:30 am - 5:00 pm. Alternative Fuel Vehicle Show at Catonsville Community College. If anyone is interested in trying to win over some (little g) greens at the MdLP booth, please let me know. (It can, and will, be done!) Contact: Jeremy Keil. April 15 (Monday): Tax Day protests: Cecil County: in front of the Post Office in Elkton. We plan to meet in front of the Post Office on Main Street in Elkton around 4:00 pm and will stay, weather permitting, until around 9:00 pm at which time we will retire to the Howard Hotel just up the street for some refreshments. Last year, a good time was had by all, despite the cold weather. We even made the front page of the Cecil Whig, which we will try to do again this year! If you are interested in joining us, please call or e-mail to get directions or information. Valerie McGlothlin 410-658-3063. Montgomery County: MCLP Business Meeting. There will be a short business meeting for Montgomery County LP starting at 7:30pm at my place, followed by an outreach event at the Silver Spring Post Office Second Ave. (same place as last year.) Even though the business meeting will be short, remember we must have a quorum to conduct the meeting. Contact: Glenn Howard, 301-585-1793. April 17 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Cecil County Libertarians. Because of the unavailability of our regular meeting room at the Cecil County Public Library in Elkton, the April chapter meeting of the Libertarian Party of Cecil County will be held at the Rising Sun Library on April 17th at 7:00 pm. Please contact Dave Sten 410-287-2823 or Valerie McGlothlin 410-658-3063 for more information. April 19 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Timonium. April 20/21 (Saturday/Sunday): Don Gorman campaign school at American University in DC. April 20 (Saturday): 10:00 am. The Libertarian Club of Baltimore has adopted a 3/4 mile section of Charles Street just south of the Beltway under the MD State Adopt-A-Highway Program. This is an LP publicity / Public Relations project of the Baltimore Area (and some very welcome other) Libertarians. We meet at the Ruxton School on Charles Street (right side going south, about 3/4 mile south of I-695). If you would like to join us, contact Bill Buzzell. April 22 (Monday): 7:30 pm. MdLP Executive Board meeting in Rockville. Contact Shannon McMenamin for directions. April 22 (Monday): 7:30 pm. Harford County Libertarians. April 23 (Tuesday): 6:30 pm. LDDS, Prince Georges County. April 24 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Cecil County Libertarians. Moved to April 17 this month. April 28 (Sunday): 7:30 am. Annual Bay Bridge Walk. We'd like to have 20-30 or more volunteers available on the Bridge approach to hover around Spear as he greets people on the way across. He or someone with him will then ask if the folks would be willing to sign petitions, and then direct those interested to a group of Spear T-shirt clad volunteers to get the job done. [Yes, our volunteers will get a spiffy T-shirt!] Meet at the Chesapeake Bay Business Park at the intersection of Routes 8 and 18 on Kent Island. Cross the Bridge, take the first exit, for Route 8. Turn left at the light and proceed 'til you see the Park on your left. We'll be somewhere there. Meeting time is 7:30 am (walk begins at 9:00), which should allow us plenty of time to get to our positions and distribute the T-shirts, special petition sheets, and instructions we want to give volunteers. If we start much later, we may run out of parking space, and may not be able to use the day to our best advantage. Those who cannot make it at 7:30 but can come a little later are still welcome, but you're on your own as to parking. Please contact me if you'll be there to confirm your size for your T-shirt! If you've already told me you plan to be there on May 5 [originally scheduled Bridge Walk], please let me know that you'll be able to help on April 28 instead. Thanks! Let's make this a banner day for gathering signatures!!! We'll also be handing out balloons to the kidlets... Yes, we'll have company. Both Kathy Townsend [the likely Democrat] and Bobby Ehrlich [the likely GOPer] will be on the Bridge approach as well, with their cadre of volunteers. Since the Bridge Walk *does* get news coverage, having all three candidates for governor out there will undoubtedly get our mugs on the TV screens, and show that we're not afraid to be in the mix. We can significantly add to our signature count that day and save more of our precious funds for the fall campaign. The State Highway Administration will check out the weather at 6:00 am on Sunday and make and announce a decision by 6:30 am as to whether the Walk will go on as scheduled. Check their website for status. It will NOT be rescheduled for this year if they cancel. IF the Walk is a GO, we'll attend. If the weather is slightly misty or whatever, we can see how the crowd goes, try waiting the stuff out, and kick butt when the sun shines. If it's cancelled, then, obviously, we have the day off. Thanks again, very much! Contact: Steve Boone. April 28 (Sunday): 5:00 pm. Carroll/Howard County Libertarians. April 28 (Sunday): 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Libertarian Dinner "meeting". The Baltimore City and Baltimore County Libertarian Parties will have a social dinner "meeting" designed particularly for individuals who are new to the Party, new to the area, or would like to know more about Libertarian ideas. The meeting portion will be very limited, because this is a social gathering. [Hopefully there will be good dinner discussion at the tables about every possible discussion topic from the drug war to international politics to what is happening in Maryland.] We have reserved an area at the INTERNATIONAL BUFFET, 2014 East Joppa Rd., Towson. This is just off of the Beltway and Perring Parkway, near the Metro Market and Home Depot. The buffet is very wide, including everything from fresh sliced beef to crab legs, Italian, sushi, salmon, desserts, and beverages -- as much as you want for $15. Please contact me so I have an idea of the space we need. Non Libertarians are especially welcome [I have over 15 people from this area who have contacted the state Party]. We also welcome Libertarians from other areas. Contact: Steven Sass, phone 410-602-8401. May 1 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. War on Drugs Forum: Winnable War or Horrible Mistake? University of Maryland Baltimore County, Commons 330. Speakers: Mr. Keith Halderman, Drug Historian; Rev. Ambrose Lane, UMBC Professor; & You. Click here for directions. Contact: Keith Halderman. May 4-5 (Saturday-Sunday): Towsontown Spring Festival. Festival runs on Saturday, from 10 am - 6 pm and on Sunday from 1 - 6 pm. On Saturday, if you can help set up, please arrive by 7:30 am. No vehicles will be allowed to enter the festival area after 8 am on Saturday, or after 11 am on Sunday. Pennsylvania and Chesapeake Avenues will maintain their one-way status for entry and exit. No parking is allowed on Baltimore Ave. or Courtland Ave. on the days of the festival. They suggest you use one of the 5 parking garages, which offer all-day parking for $3. If you can help man this space, please do! Also please bring whatever Libertarian literature you have, and a jug of water to refill the doggie bowl. Our spaces are the same as last year (#344 & #346). They are located on the North side of Chesapeake Avenue, appx. 1 block up (west) from York Road. Contact: Lauren Hill. May 5 (Sunday): 8:10 - 9:00 am. Nick Sarwark appears on Metro Talk. May 8 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Montgomery County. May 8 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Anne Arundel County Libertarians. Topics of discussion will include Spear Lancaster's gubernatorial campaign, summer outreach events, and local and national items and events which could curtail your freedom. May 11 (Saturday): 11:00 am - 8:00 pm. MdLP Spring Convention at Timbuktu's. May 17 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Timonium. May 18 (Saturday): 11:00 am. The Dave Sten Horseshoe Tournament (Campaign Fund Raiser). Practice time is 11am with Game Play starting at Noon. The location will be the same as last year's Summer Social, North East Maryland. Cash prizes will be awarded for First, Second, and Third place. Tickets are $50/team, $25/person, or $10 just to be a spectator and to eat. Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Soda, and Beer will be provided along with other foods. Tickets must be purchased by May 11th. There will be a registation at the door, but prices will be a little higher. Contact: Dave Sten. May 18 (Saturday): 11:00 am - 7:00 pm. Takoma Park JazzFest 7 at Jequie Park. We are looking for a few volunteers to staff the Libertarian Party information booth. Spear Lancaster will be there. Come out and show your support for our candidate. A few hours would be greatly appreciated. Contact: Steve Wilson at 301-921-0426. May 20 (Monday): 7:30 pm. Montgomery County Social Meeting at Glenn Howard's home. Drop by when you can. Bring snacks and refreshments if you wish. Glenn will provide ice. Contacts: Steve Wilson, 301-921-0426; Glenn Howard, 301-585-1793. May 22 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Cecil County Libertarians. May 25/26 (Saturday/Sunday): HFStival. Want to spread the message of Liberty while having a great time? The Libertarian Party of Maryland and Spear Lancaster for Governor are sponsoring a booth. We need about 30 people to make this event a success. This is a great opportuniy for the Libertarian Party in Maryland. HFS will be mentioning us as sponsors of the HFStival on the air that weekend. We will be one of only four activist groups to make a presence there. Let's make all 120,000 HFStival attendees aware that the Libertarian Party of Maryland is the ONLY political party that respects their rights. Email me if you are interested in helping out, or want more information. -- Jeremy Keil. May 25/26 (Saturday/Sunday): Chestertown Tea Party Festival (We don't have a booth, but this will be a great petition opportunity). The Brigantine "Geddes" dropped anchor in the Port of Chest on May 13, 1774. In sympathy with Boston, residents protested the British duty on imported tea by boarding the "Geddes" on May 23, 1774, and consigning its shipment of tea to the Chester River. There will be a colonial parade at 10 am, with historical reeanactments at 2 pm. More information: www.kentcounty.com/events/may.htm. May 26 (Sunday): 5:00 pm. Carroll/Howard County Libertarians. May 27 (Monday): 7:30 pm. Harford County Libertarians. May 28 (Tuesday): 6:30 pm. LDDS, Prince Georges County. June 1 (Saturday): Sun Fest. The Libertarian Party of Cecil County will have a booth at this event and will be handing out "Spear" balloons to the kids. This is an all day event. Location is Rising Sun, Maryland. Contact: Dave Sten. June 1 (Saturday): noon. LPDC Convention. June 2 (Sunday): 8:10 - 9:00 am. Nick Sarwark appears on Metro Talk. June 2 (Sunday): 11:00 am - 5:00 pm. QAC Waterman's Heritage Festival. Annual festival celebrating waterman's heritage and area seafood; music, children's activities, food, and more. I have arranged for us to have a booth at this event. We will be handing out balloons for this event. The location for this event is Wells Cove, Queen Anne's County. Contact: Dave Sten. June 8 (Saturday): 10:00 am. The Libertarian Club of Baltimore has adopted a 3/4 mile section of Charles Street just south of the Beltway under the MD State Adopt-A-Highway Program. This is an LP publicity / Public Relations project of the Baltimore Area (and some very welcome other) Libertarians. We meet at the Ruxton School on Charles Street (about 3/4 mile South of I-695). If you would like to join us, contact Bill Buzzell. June 8 (Saturday): 11:00 am - 5:30 pm. South County Festival. The Anne Arundel County Libertarians have secured a booth (#55) at the festival, hosted by the Southern Anne Arundel Chamber of Commerce. I'm looking for Libertarian team members to help man the booth (and get signatures for Spear who will attend). It would be GREAT to see a bunch of people in yellow Spear shirts! Let me know if you can help out! Contact: Michael Dobak, 410-798-6550. Info: FREE ADMISSION! -- $5 per car parking; Great Food & Drinks, Crafters, Historic Mini Tour, Free Face Painting & Balloons, K-9 Demonstrations, Watermen's Display, South County Exchange Photography and Artists, and much, much more great stuff! Live Music on Stage Throughout the Day. Mama Jama - Caribbean Abraxas - Santana Sound Southern High School Jazz Band. DIRECTIONS: Route 2, South from Baltimore or North from Route 4 -- Turn onto Route 256, follow signs; South County Festival is on the right at Herrington Harbour North Marina. June 8-9 (Saturday/Sunday): Heritage Days Festival in Cumberland, MD. Saturday from 10 am to 6 pm; Sunday from noon to 6 pm. Need some volunteers to help Spear get signatures. Contact: Glenn Howard, 301-585-1793. June 10 (Monday): 7:30 pm. MdLP Executive Board meeting in Takoma Park. For directions, contact: Nick Sarwark at 301-439-2139. June 12 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Montgomery County. June 12 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Anne Arundel County Libertarians. Topics of discussion will include Spear Lancaster's gubernatorial campaign and signature drive, summer outreach events, and local and national items and events which could curtail your freedom. June 17 (Monday): 7:30 pm. Montgomery County Business/Social Meeting at Steve Wilson's house in Gaithersburg. The business part of the meeting should take about an hour. The social part of the meeting will follow until? Contact: Steve Wilson at 301-921-0426. June 21 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Timonium. Trevor Reid petitioner raffle for Silver Liberty coin. Jack will be bringing a box of *legal* fireworks that you can purchase extremely inexpensively! Please rsvp and let me know about how much money you'd like to spend, so that Jack has an idea about how many goodies to bring down. Contact: Nancy Millionie. June 24 (Monday): 7:30 pm. Harford County Libertarians. June 25 (Tuesday): 6:30 pm. LDDS, Prince Georges County. 8:00 pm: election of PG county LP chair. June 26 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Cecil County Libertarians. June 29 (Saturday): 10:00 am - 7:00 pm. Juneteenth at Druid Hill Park in Baltimore City. We have a booth and will be provided a table and two chairs. We could use a tent also. I have another appointment at 2:00, but will try to get my guest to come with me to the affair. In any event, I will be there at 9:30 until 2:00 minimum. If we could get volunteers to help man the booth it will be greatly appreciated. Steve and I both feel that this is an excellent opportunity to meet and listen to the citizens of Baltimore. To try and develop a better understanding of what their real hopes and fears are. To try and find ways that we can help them and how we can be a team rather then someone who shows up at the company picnic once a year. Please let Steve and me know when you can help out. We really need you at this one. It would be great to have five or six Libertarians with yellow tee shirts mingling with the people. It is an excellent chance to get some recognition and start a real dialogue. The more the merrier. Contact: Spear Lancaster , Steve Boone. June 30 (Sunday): 5:00 pm. Carroll/Howard County Libertarians. July 3-7 (Wednesday-Sunday): National LP Convention in Indianapolis. On June 3rd, the Marriott Hotel in Indianapolis (hotel to our upcoming National Convention) will release to the public the unused portion of our block of rooms. The Indianapolis Visitors Bureau and an Orbitz online search can find very few hotel rooms still available in downtown Indianapolis. And those few rooms that are available range from $129 to $179 per night and up. The reason? The Visitors Bureau tells us that there is a HUGE convention (16,000 attendees!) at the Convention Center in Indianapolis on the same days as OUR upcoming National Convention. If you don't have a hotel reservation at the Marriott by June 3rd, the chances are very good that you'll pay quite a bit more for your stay. Why pay $129, $179 - and MORE - when you can stay at the Marriott for our special rate of $109? And, that room can sleep up to 4 people. Please call the Marriott Hotel now at 800-228-9200 to make your reservation. Mention the Libertarian Party National Convention and our group code - LNCLNCA - to get our convention rate. July 4 (Thursday): 7:30 am. Dundalk Parade. We will have a decorated truck for our float which will carry cold water, extra petition forms, literature, and serve as a resting place for anyone too pooped to finish the race. Form up time is 7:30 amat the Logan Village Shopping Center parking lot. We'll be at the far end (the end without a gas station). Our parade line up number is R-2-9. Come one come all. We need marchers to make a good showing and petitioners to collect sigs for Spear. DIRECTIONS: From the South I-695 East, Cross the Key Bridge, First exit to the right after the toll booth, Left at the stop sign, Follow to Dundalk Ave. It comes out at the shopping center. From the North I-695 to I-95 South, Exit at Eastern Ave going West toward Baltimore, Left at the first lite on Kane St., 2 blocks, Left on Dundalk Ave, go till you see the mob. Contact: Bill Buzzell,. July 7 (Sunday): 8:10 - 9:00 am. Nick Sarwark appears on Metro Talk. July 9 (Tuesday): first Curtis Bay Libertarian gaming night. Contact: Colin Boxall, 410-355-8068. July 10 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Montgomery County. July 10 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Anne Arundel County Libertarians. July 12-14 (Friday-Sunday): North East Water Festival. The Libertarian Party of Cecil County will have a booth at this event. Also, on Friday evening there might be a meet the candidates event under the VIP tent. The location for this event is North East, Maryland. Go to www.northeastwf.com for more information. Contact: Dave Sten. July 15 (Monday): Montgomery County LP meeting. Contact: Steve Wilson at 301-921-0426. July 17 (Wednesday): 1:00 - 5:00 pm. J. Millard Tawes Crab & Clam Bake at Somers Cove Marina in Crisfield. Tickets: $30 donation includes free mug and mallet. Food: All you can eat; Steamed crabs; fresh Fried Fish; clams, raw bar, steamed & fried; french fries; corn on the cob; onion rings; watermelon; Beer & soft drinks. You will have a chance to see Spear and the other two candidates for governor. We plan to get there early and get a nice spot under the 7,000 sq ft pavillion so that we may be seen by all. Wear a shirt with a Libertarian Logo. This will be the fourth year in a row that we have been there. I would like to get the first order in by Friday June 21. With this being an election year, tickets could go fast. There will be 5,000 tickets sold. Send a check made out to Michael Linder, P.O. Box 1261, Edgewood MD 21040. We plan to eat under the 7,000 sq ft pavillion like last year. Contact: Michael Linder, 410-569-2186. July 18-20 (Thursday-Saturday): Kent County Fair. - We will have a booth at this event. The location is Tolchester. Go to www.kentcounty.com/events/jul.htm for more information. Contact: Dave Sten. July 19 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Timonium. bowling competition. Last month, Baltimore County destroyed PG County. People from all counties, and the city, are invited to challenge Baltimore County's bowling supremacy, along with just having a good time in general. The Baltimore Coutny meeting starts at 7:30 pm at the AMF lanes in Timonium, right across from the fairgrounds. After the meeting (or during it, who knows), we will see which county is the dominating force on the lanes. Think you can defend your county's honor? It'll be a good time. Contact: Jack Mitcham. July 19-27 (Friday-Saturday): Cecil County Fair. The Libertarian Party of Cecil County will be having a booth at this event. The location is Fair Hill (North of Elkton). Go to www.cecilcountyfair.org for more information. Contact: Valerie McGlothlin. July 21 (Sunday): 5:30 pm. MdLP Central Committee meeting at Felecita Ristorante (51 Monroe Street, Rockville, MD 20850, 301-315-2100 click for map). More info. July 21 (Sunday): 6:30 pm. Friends of Spear Lancaster fundraising dinner at Felecita Ristorante (51 Monroe Street, Rockville, MD 20850, 301-315-2100 click for map). Sign-in begins at 5:30 pm, and dinner will commence at 6:30 pm. This is a great opportunity to meet Spear personally and help his campaign finish the final leg of the petition drive. Contact: Troy Zinderman at 410-663-2643. July 22 (Monday): 7:30 pm. Harford County Libertarians. July 23 (Tuesday): 6:30 pm. LDDS, Prince Georges County. July 24 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Cecil County Libertarians. Moved to July 31 this month due to the Cecil County Fair. July 24 (Wednesday): 7:30 pm. MdLP Executive Board meeting in Silver Spring. For directions, contact: Glenn Howard, 301-585-1793. July 25-28 (Thursday-Sunday): 10:00 am - 10:00 pm (10:00 am - 6:00 pm on Sunday). Harford County Fair. Contact: Roy J. Meyers III (410-879-5300) for more info or to volunteer. July 26-28 (Friday-Sunday): Somerset County Fair. Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm; Saturday, 10:00 am - 8:00 pm; Sunday, noon - 5:00 pm. Our application specifies an inside booth! Directions to fairgrounds: Take US13 south from Salisbury to Princess Anne, Md. Turn right at 1st traffic light. Turn left at 1st or 2nd street. (1st street is Edgehill Terrace, between Park and Ride and Kings Creek Market; 2nd street is Crisfield Lane.) Both streets lead to fairgrounds. Please let me know if you can help. Come and help Spear Lancaster get his petition signatures! This is a good opportunity for those on the eastern shore to help out. Reserve one or more of these days to assist us! Contact: Glenn Howard, 301-585-1793. July 28 (Sunday): 5:00 pm. Carroll/Howard County Libertarians. July 31 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Cecil County Libertarians. Moved to July 31 this month due to the Cecil County Fair. August 3 or 4 (Saturday or Sunday): tentative MdLP picnic. Moved to September 29 due to August 5 signature requirements. August 4 (Sunday): 8:10 - 9:00 am. Nick Sarwark appears on Metro Talk. August 7 (Wednesday): 7:30 pm. Prince George's County Libertarian Party business meeting at the Greenbelt Library, at 11 Crescent Road in old Greenbelt. The library is near both the Capital Beltway and the B/W Parkway, as shown on the map at www.prge.lib.md.us/lib/gr.html. We will discuss upcoming events, goals for the party, and other items. Voting will be limited to members of the Prince George's County Libertarian Central Committee. If you have questions regarding your membership, please check with me. Contact: Chip Spangler, 301-346-2361. August 9-17 (Friday-Saturday): Montgomery County Fair. 10:00 am - 10:00 pm every day except 8/9. You can be sure that every Democrat and Republican running for office in Maryland will be at this event. We need to blanket these "candidates" in yellow and black Spear T-shirts. Now, more than ever, your help is needed to staff the booth at the Montgomery County Fair. The Fairgrounds has plenty of parking. There is free parking at Lakeforest Mall with a shuttle bus running from the mall to the fair. Also, there is a shuttle running from the Shady Grove Metro Station. Keith Halderman has volunteered to schedule the volunteers this year. Contact: Keith Halderman at 301-926-1594. August 14 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Montgomery County. August 14 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Anne Arundel County Libertarians. Topics of discussion will include nominations and election of a new Anne Arundel Chair and Spear Lancaster's gubernatorial campaign and signature drive. August 14 (Wednesday): 7:30 pm. LDDS Harford County at DuClaw Brewing Company, off of Bel Air South Parkway. The meeting will be held in the restaurant side, if possible, near the glass brewery wall. Reservation is under "Meyers". Contact: Roy J. Meyers III (410-879-5300) for more info or to volunteer. August 16 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Timonium. August 18 (Sunday): Spear Lancaster fundraising dinner in Baltimore area. Contact: Steve Boone. August 21 (Wednesday): 7:30 pm. MdLP Executive Board meeting in Owings Mills. Contact Robert Glaser for directions, 410-363-8748. August 23-September 2 (Friday-Monday): Maryland State Fair in Timonium. Spear will be at the Fair on Sunday, September 1st from 2pm to 5pm. We need as many members as possible with yellow Spear T-shirts to walk with Spear to get noticed! So reserve this afternoon to help the Maryland LP. Bring family members as well. If you don't have a yellow Spear T-shirt yet, we will have extra T-shirts on hand, and the asking donation is only $5 - half price at this event! We plan to meet next to the ice cream concession stand near the cow palace at 2:00. Click for fair directions. Contact: Glenn Howard, 301-585-1793. August 24 (Saturday): 10:00 am - 3:00 pm. Spear Lancaster Meet Your Candidate Day at the Harford Mall, 696A Bel Air Road, Bel Air, MD. We have a 10' X 10' space with table and chairs. Lorenzo will be in Snow Hill for an NAACP event, and I would welcome anyone who can drop by and help. Contact: Spear Lancaster. August 25 (Sunday): 5:00 pm. Carroll/Howard County Libertarians. August 26 (Monday): 7:30 pm. THE STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS declares that Spear Lancaster/Lorenzo Gaztañaga !!! Come celebrate at the Rocky Run Tap & Grill in Columbia, on Dobbin Center Way (just off of Dobbin Rd). Click for map. August 26 (Monday): 7:30 pm. Harford County Libertarians. August 27 (Tuesday): 6:30 pm. LDDS, Prince Georges County. August 28 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Cecil County Libertarians. September 1 (Sunday): 8:10 - 9:00 am. Nick Sarwark appears on Metro Talk. September 1 (Sunday): 2:00 - 5:00 pm. Maryland State Fair Walk-a--round. See State Fair. September 2 (Monday): Gaithersburg Labor Day Parade. Spear will be in the parade -- let's help him out by showing up and participating in the parade with him. The bigger our group, the stronger we look. The Libertarian Party of Maryland line-up number is #91, and we are to be in our line-up spot by noon. The parade step off time is 1:00 pm. Our line up spot is on Girard Place near East Diamond Ave. Directions to the line-up area: Route 270 north to exit 11A, Route 124 east, 4th light turn right onto Midcounty Hwy, 1st light turn right onto Goshen Road, 2nd light turn left onto Girard Street then follow the signs for parade line-up. Parking for parade participants will be available at the Gaithersburg Middle School which is located on Teacher's Way - a right turn off Girard Street. The parade route streets - much of Russell Ave. and East Diamond Ave. - will be closed to regular traffic at 10:30 am. Let me know if you can come. Contact: Glenn Howard, 301-585-1793. September
3 (Tuesday): 8:30 - 8:50 am (approx). Spear
Lancaster on 98 Rock, 97.9 FM. September 5-8 (Thursday-Sunday): PG County Fair in Upper Marlboro. We have an inside booth. The booth needs to be staffed from 4pm - 9pm on Thursday, 5pm - 9pm on Friday, from 11am - 9pm Saturday, Sunday from 11am - 8pm. Volunteers are needed to help staff the booth! Wear your Spear shirt if you have one! If you can help, please call me and let me know when you can be there. As I understand it our booth will be somewhere in the Show Place Arena, in the non-profit section. FYI, the general hours of the fair are: Thursday, September 5th - 4:00 PM to 10:00 PM Friday, September 6th - 5:00 PM to MIDNIGHT Saturday, September 7th - 11:00 AM to MIDNIGHT Sunday, September 8th - 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Thanks for your help! Contact: Chip Spangler, 301-346-2361. September 8 (Sunday): 7:00 am - 7:00 pm. Parkville Towne Centre Fair. Location is on Harford Road from Taylor Ave. north to Dubois Ave. (Take Harford Rd. south from the Beltway I-695.) Our space number is E-06. Set up is between 7:00 and 9:00 am. The Fair runs till 6:00 pm. Break down is 6:00 to 7:00 pm. If you can commit to any block of time it would be much appreciated - please let me know. Contact: Bill Buzzell. September 9 (Monday): 7:30 pm. Book Signing & CD Release at The Closet of Comics store (7315 Baltimore Ave. in College Park). Get your autographed copy of Kenn Blanchard's book, Black Man With A Gun, or the newly released audio CD, "Pistol Packing Preacher". The former federal law enforcement officer is a police firearms trainer and security consultant that has lobbied the US Congress and state legislators in MD, VA, TX, SC, and MI for the right of the individual to protect themselves. He is a dynamic and charismatic speaker, trainer in firearms, anti-terrorism and safety issues. Come hear and talk to an avid comic book / Anime fan that has spent his life protecting others. FREE sodas while they last. This one-of-a-kind event is sponsored by your friendly neighborhood Closet of Comics Books & Supplies (301-699-0498). Directions: from I-495 (the Capital Beltway): Take exit 25 (Route 1, aka Baltimore Ave.) south for about 2.5 miles until you reach Knox Rd. Turn left onto Knox and park in the parking lot on the right. Go to the sidewalk, turn left and walk back to route 1, turn left and walk past a few stores and you'll see The Closet of Comics on your left. Note: if you're coming from the north and using I-95 south, make sure you follow the signs to College Park & Route 1 at the split. Contact: Chip Spangler, 301-346-2361. September 9-15 (Monday-Sunday): Delmarva Bike Week. Located at the Ft. Whaley campground just outside Ocean City. I plan to secure a spot in order to display libertarian literature and hopefully pass out voter registration cards. In the motorcycle forums that I'm on, I have found there is strong support for 2nd Amendment rights and freedom in general. Contact: Tim Osburn. September 10 (Tuesday): Primary Election. We really need YOU to distribute literature. Depending on your interest level and area you want to visit we need two groups of volunteers - first, people who can work the polling places in district 7 to give out literature for Spear Lancaster and Mike Linder. The second group: if you want to help but not hike to Fallston, South Bel Air, Abingdon, Joppa - you can go to your closest precinct and distribute Spear literature. It would be best to get lots of folks out to district 7 - here is an EASY opportunity to reach hundreds if not thousands of voters after they come out of the polls -- educating them about third party candidates they can vote for in November. Please email or call about hooking up to get literature. Contact: Roy J. Meyers III (410-879-5300). September 11-15 (Wednesday-Sunday): Anne Arundel County Fair. Hours: 9/11, 4 - 10pm; 9/12, Noon - 10pm; 9/13, 4 - 10pm; 9/14, 9am - 10pm; 9/15, 9am - 8pm. Spear Lancaster will be campaigning at the booth virtually every day and we'd like some volunteers in "Spear Yellow" shirts to help out (don't worry, we'll get you one if you don't already have one!). And remember..........NO MORE SIGNATURES REQUIRED!! Let's show the Demopublicans in A.A. Co. that we ARE a force to be reckoned with! The Libertarian booth is number 45 and I believe (for those with a sweet tooth), it's next to the funnel cake booth. We will have some extra tickets for entry into the fair. If you are coming with a group, you may wish to send one person in to get some tickets from whoever is working the LP booth and take them back to the gate for your group. Click for schedule of events. Contact: Michael Dobak, 410-798-6550. September 11 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Montgomery County. September 11 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Anne Arundel County Libertarians. Due to the Anne Arundel County Fair, the monthly LDDS at Mike's Crab House (scheduled for tomorrow, 9/11) has been cancelled. Instead, we will be meeting at the LP booth (# 45) at the fair. Instead of crabs and seafood, you can enjoy cotton candy and corn dogs (AND funnel cake). September 11 (Wednesday): 7:30 pm. LDDS, Harford county. Coakley's Pub in Havre de Grace (reservation is under "Meyers") Click for directions. The last LDDS was a well attended... this one will be more so - let us raise a glass and honor the memory of those Americans who died last September 11. Let us come together and plan how we would like our world to be... form a vision for a new tomorrow... a vision where America is once again revered and respected by the rest of the world, an America that is a good neighbor and a trusted and consistent friend. Contact: Roy J. Meyers III (410-879-5300). September 13 (Friday): 4:00 pm. Spear Lancaster press conference. We're meeting at Fuddruckers in the Inner Harbor [Market Place and Pratt Streets] and, if the establishment lets us hold it inside, we might do it there. Otherwise, we'll likely mosey to a place outdoors nearby. Contact: Steve Boone. September 15 (Sunday): noon - 6:00 pm. Hispanic Festival in Adelphi. The festival will be held at Lane Manor Park, just off of University Blvd. Shuttle service is available by parking at the University of Maryland or from Langley Park McCormick Elementary. Click for map. Contact: Chip Spangler, 301-346-2361. September 20 (Friday): 7:30 pm. The Baltimore County LP will have a short meeting at the AMF Timonium Lanes. Following the meeting, some of us will hang out until 9:00 pm, when the Extreme Bowling begins. It's AYCB [all you can bowl] for $12 from 9 pm - 1 am, and prices slightly higher if you need shoes. Tens or ducks are available, but the group usually goes for the tens. Contact: Steve Boone. September 21 (Saturday): 10:00 am. Germantown Harvest Parade. Spear has committed to be in the parade. Many other candidates have committed to be in the Parade, but Spear is the only candidate for Governor to be in the parade. We will have an excellent opportunity to win friends and influence voters. Please consider spending a few hours supporting the MDLP and Spear Lancaster. The parade staging area is at the intersection of Century Blvd. and Cloverleaf Center Dr. This is just west on RT. 118 from Rt. 270. Road closures will begin around 8:00 am. There will be parking near the staging area. We are in position #27. Contact: Steve Wilson at 301-921-0426. September 21 (Saturday): 11:00 am - 4:00 pm. Port Towns' Day in Bladensburg. Bladensburg Waterfront Park, located at 4601 Annapolis Rd, Bladensburg, MD, 20710-1015. If you can join us to help out, please join us in the park! Contact: Chip Spangler, 301-346-2361. September 22 (Sunday): 7:00 am - 6:00 pm. Essex Day Fair. It's a BIG street fair - games, rides, crafts, bands. Bring the family. Help out an hour or two at our booth and see the fair. We need help all day -- please let me know if you can help, and the hours you can be there. Directions - I-695 to Eastern Ave (East) to the roadblock. Turn right. One Block. Turn Left. Park at Post office. Walk one block North. Turn Left. We should be in that block of Eastern Ave, on your left, near the government bldg. Contact: Bill Buzzell. September 22 (Sunday): 11:00 am - 4:00 pm. Gaithersburg Old Town Days. Location: Olde Towne Gaithersburg. FREE Admission and FREE shuttle from Lakeforest Mall. Contact: Steve Wilson at 301-921-0426. September 22 (Sunday): 11:00 am - 6:30 pm. Takoma Park Folk Fest. The Folk Fest is a big annual event in Takoma Park and attracts several thousand spectators. There will be bands, food, crafts, food, games, food, music, food and much more. Please consider spending a day at the Folk Fest supporting the MDLP and Spear. Where - Takoma Park Middle School 7611 Piney Branch Road, Takoma Park, MD. FREE Admission, Free Parking at Montgomery College Takoma Park Campus and the Takoma Metro. FREE shuttle from both locations! Contact: Steve Wilson at 301-921-0426. September 23 (Monday): 7:00 pm. Harford County Libertarians. September 24 (Tuesday): 6:30 pm. LDDS, Prince Georges County. September 25 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Cecil County Libertarians. September 25 (Wednesday): MdLP Executive Board meeting moved to October 2. September 25-29 (Wednesday-Sunday): Calvert County Fair in Barstow. Volunteers are needed to staff the booth! Hours: Wednesday, 4:00 - 9:00 pm; Friday - Sunday, 9:00 am - 9:00 pm; Sunday, 11:00 am - 6:00 pm. Click for map (you can get to route 231 by taking route 2 or 4 south from Anne Arundel or Prince George's Counties - or by taking it north if you live in Calvert or St. Mary's Counties). Let's spread word about Spear to southern Maryland! Contact: Chip Spangler, 301-346-2361. September 26 (Thursday): possible protest at NAACP-Baltimore if Spear Lancaster is not included in first gubernatorial debate. September 28 (Saturday): 9:30 am - noon. Literature drop in a couple locations in Baltimore County for Spear/Lorenzo and Mike Linder. If you're available and want to get some exercise, we'll be meeting at some location in eastern Baltimore County and going on from there. Details soon. Please contact me if you want to be involved. Contact: Steve Boone, 410-789-4249. September 29 (Sunday): MdLP Picnic and Central Committee meeting. Schedule: Noon - 1:00 pm: Central Committee Meeting. * An Executive Board position is open, and
needs to be filled; nominations can be made at the meeting. Chip Spangler
is resigning from the Board as of the meeting in order to concentrate on
his duties as PG county chair. 1:00 - 5:00 pm: Picnic Location: Granville Gude Park, 8300 Mulberry Street, Laurel 20707
From the north via I-95: Take the MD-216 E exit towards Laurel for 0.4 miles; merge onto MD-216 S and go 2.2 miles; turn left onto Gorman Ave/MD-198 E for 0.4 miles; turn right onto Washington Blvd S/US-1 S for 0.3 miles; Washington Blvd S/US-1 S becomes Baltimore Ave/US-1, go 0.7 mile and turn right onto Mulberry St. From the south via the BW Parkway (MD-295): Take the MD-197 exit towards Laurel-Bowie for 0.4 miles; turn sharp left onto MD-197/Laurel Bowie Rd. for 1.6 miles; turn left onto Contee Rd. and go 1.1 miles; turn slight right onto Baltimore Ave/US-1 and go 0.8 miles; turn left onto Mulberry St. From Mulberry St., go approximately 1 block until you see the Granville Gude Park Sign on the right. Parking in the Park is not permitted. Park on Mulberry Street and follow the foot path to Pavilion B. Weather conditions: The event will be held rain or shine, we have a covered pavilion. Cost: No charge for the Central Committee meeting. A per-person cost for the picnic will be charged to pay for food and park expenses (probably $5 - $10). Food: Basics will be provided, feel free to bring your dishes to share. We are not permitted to bring alcoholic beverages. September 29 (Sunday): 5:00 pm. Carroll/Howard County Libertarians. September 30 (Monday): 10:30 am. Maryland Court of Appeals hearing for the Maryland Green Party's recent suit concerning ballot access for their candidate in Carroll County. The highest court in Maryland has decided to hear this case weeks after it was filed. Those intending to show up come early (probably about 10am) so that we can go into the courtroom as a group and support their attorneys as they try the case. The Court House is near the corner of Taylor Ave and Rowe Blvd in Annapolis (relatively close to the Naval Academy Stadium). Contact: Erik Michelsen. October 2 (Wednesday): 7:30 pm. MdLP Executive Board meeting in Pikesville. Contact Steven Sass for directions, 410-602-8401. October 4 (Friday): 7:00 - 8:00 pm. Spear Lancaster will be a guest of Tres Kerns on WCBM 680 AM. If you have a chance to listen in I will appreciate your comments, and perhaps you can call in and ask a few questions. Contact: Spear Lancaster. October 5 (Saturday): 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. Frederick In The Streets - a festival held annually the first Saturday in October. Held on Market Street in downtown Frederick, this event originated as a way to celebrate the completion of major renovations to this major thoroughfare. IN THE STREET encompasses nine city blocks and includes five stages of entertainment (one dedicated to children’s performances), theme blocks, merchant activities, and culinary delights from the Frederick area. Since Spear will be on the ballot, and this event draws 50,000 plus people every year, this may be a good day to get out the message and increase his name recognition as well as meet voters. Keep in mind that being on the non-profit block is where most political parties will be located, but they have a provision in the sign up form now that specifically states no overt proselytizing or solicitation (meaning no wandering the whole street in front of the booth like we did during the petitioning last year. Frederick is pretty easy to get to, 270 north from DC area, 70 West from Baltimore, 70 east from points west. 340 east from W.VA. 15 north from VA 15 south from PA. Mail me if you need specifics! The good news is that I have reserved (and paid for) a spot in the Celebrate Frederick (non-profit) block. The bad news is I will not be able to be there. I had one other person say that they would be interested in helping. I still would like more volunteers to help out if at all possible.I need volunteers to help out. Any takers? Contact: Mike Barnes, phone 301-695-9211. October 5 (Saturday): 9:00 am - 6:00 pm. Darlington Apple Festival. Volunteers will be appreciated, or just stop by for a visit! Contact: Roy J. Meyers III (410-879-5300). October 5/6 (Saturday/Sunday): Fells Point Festival. Contact: Susan Gaztanaga 410-325-2813 for directions and to coordinate times to help out. October 6 (Sunday): 8:10 - 9:00 am. Nick Sarwark appears on Metro Talk. October 6 (Sunday): 1:30 pm. Literature Drop in Baltimore County. Meet at in Martin Plaza (same as last time) which is at the intersection of Martin Blvd and Middle River Road. All student volunteer slaves are welcome. I will need somebody to bring enough literature, and I have the maps. We NEED coverage of this area, with both Mike Linder's and Spear Lancaster's literature. The only way people will vote for Spear or Mike is if they know they exist. Enough people are unhappy with the current leading parties (Read: Potomic Research's 12% polled), they just need to be aware of an alternative. If you plan on attending, email me back so I get a rough idea of how many will be here. Contact: Jack Mitcham. October 9 (Wednesday): 7:00 - 9:00 pm. Candidate forum at Hollifield Elementary School, Ellicott City. David Margolis is running as an official write-in candidate for Howard County Council, District 5. Please try to come to at least one of these events. The Demopublican and Republicrat candidates will have their "rent-a-crowds", so it would be nice if we Libertarians have ours as well. If you can only make one event, please attend the one at Howard Community College. It will be taped for local cable. Plus all local and state candidates will be there. Furthermore, I expect that the Baltimore Sun, Washington Post, and Howard County Times will send their respective reporters. Please e-mail me if you need directions, etc. Thanks. October 9 (Wednesday): 7:30 pm. LDDS, Montgomery County. October 9 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Anne Arundel County Libertarians. October 9 (Wednesday): 7:30 pm. LDDS Harford County. October 10 (Thursday): 7:00 pm. Libertarian Night in Waldorf. We'll meet at the Bennigan's Grill & Tavern restaurant, 35 St. Patrick's Dr. (just behind the Holiday Inn, a bit north of the St. Charles Town Center, just off of Route 301). Click for map. Join us! We'll just be getting together to eat, drink, and chat (you don't have to do all if you don't want but we'd like to have you there) ... bring a friend along! Please let me know you're coming so I can tell Bennigan's how many people to expect. Hope to see you there! Contact: Chip Spangler, 301-346-2361. October 12 (Saturday): Harford County Libertarian Family Friendly Autumn Picnic!!! We have the Friends Park in Forest Hill reserved, the site can handle groups of a hundred+ and we are doing a mailing to 300+ Libertarians in the county... more about this later. Contact: Roy J. Meyers III (410-879-5300). October 12 (Saturday): 10:00 am. The Libertarian Club of Baltimore has adopted a 3/4 mile section of Charles Street just south of the Beltway under the MD State Adopt-A-Highway Program. This is an LP publicity / Public Relations project of the Baltimore Area (and some very welcome other) Libertarians. We meet at the Ruxton Center on Charles Street (about one mile South of I-695). If you would like to join us, contact Bill Buzzell. October 12 (Saturday): 10:00 - 10:30 am. Spear Lancaster on the Bruce Elliott Radio Show on WBAL 1090 AM. Listen and call in! October 13 (Sunday): Cancelled by City of Gaithersburg Parks Department. Noon - 4:00 pm. Gaithersburg Octoberfest. This is another chance to support Spear and the Libertarian Party of Maryland before the election! Please help out! Setup is from 9:45 - 10:30am. Location: the Kentland's. Contact: Glenn Howard, 301-585-1793. October 13 (Sunday): 2:00 pm. Literature Drop in Prince George's county. Meet in College Park at the shopping center on Rhode Island Ave just south of Edgewood Rd (the one with the REI, Schlein's, MOM, etc). To get there, take exit 25 off of the capital beltway (route 1 south) and immediately turn left onto Edgewood Rd. Take it to the stop sign, turn right onto Rhode Island Ave, and make a left into the shopping center (go to the 2nd driveway into the shopping center - the first is exit only). Immediately make a right and look for my green Chevy Blazer (tag LP0102). I'll have snacks and drinks waiting for those who help! Click for map. We'll be covering areas in College Park, Beltsville, and if we have time, Lanham and Laurel as well. Please call me or email me to let me know you'll be there. Thanks for your help! Contact: Chip Spangler, 301-346-2361. October 14 (Monday): 7:00 pm. Libertarian Night in Bowie. We'll meet at the Ruby Tuesday restaurant, 16451 Excalibur Rd. (right off of Route 301, just a bit south of Route 50 and past the stadium). Click for map. Join us! We'll just be getting together to eat, drink, and chat (you don't have to do all if you don't want but we'd like to have you there) ... bring a friend along! Please let me know you're coming so I can tell Bennigan's how many people to expect. Hope to see you there! Contact: Chip Spangler, 301-346-2361. October 15 (Tuesday): Registration rolls close. If you have not yet registered to vote, you must do so by Tuesday, October 15 in order to vote in the fall election. Go to www.elections.state.md.us for more information. Turn in any Libertarian registrations you have on hand. October 16 (Wednesday): 11:30 am - 1:30 pm. Candidate forum at Association of Community Services, Columbia. David Margolis is running as an official write-in candidate for Howard County Council, District 5. Please try to come to at least one of these events. The Demopublican and Republicrat candidates will have their "rent-a-crowds", so it would be nice if we Libertarians have ours as well. If you can only make one event, please attend the one at Howard Community College. It will be taped for local cable. Plus all local and state candidates will be there. Furthermore, I expect that the Baltimore Sun, Washington Post, and Howard County Times will send their respective reporters. Please e-mail me if you need directions, etc. Thanks. October 16 (Wednesday): 5:30 pm. Free-Market Environmentalism talk by Jerry Taylor from the Cato Institute. Location: UMBC, Commons Room 331. Click for directions. Contact: Rich Goldman. October 17 (Thursday): 7:00 pm. Montgomery County mass mailing. Folks, We are going to be sending out a mass mailing for Spear and Lorenzo to all of the registered Libertarians in Montgomery County. Larry Powers has gone above and beyond the call of duty and has printed 1000 letters, 1000 envelopes, and 1000 return envelopes on his home printer. Big thanks to Larry! Now we have to get these letters in the mail. I would like to have as many people as possible come to my house to help stuff envelopes and sort the letters. Call for address and directions. We have to make sure that each and every Libertarian knows that Spear and Lorenzo are on the ballot and that their votes are needed on election day. Contact: Steve Wilson at 301-921-0426. October 18 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Timonium. October 18 (Friday): Noon - 1:30 pm. Spear Lancaster appears at Recovering Democracy Forum at the University of Maryland, College Park. Join us and help give Spear a bigger crowd than the other candidates for governor received at their forums! The forum will be held in Skinner Building Lecture Hall 0200 on the UMCP campus. The Skinner building (click to view) is #44 - NOTE that from the large grassy area (known as "the mall") the front of the building appears as Woods Hall. I'd suggest parking in the area marked VISITOR CENTER (click to view) and then walk across Regents Dr. to get to Skinner. To get to the campus itself, take Route 1 south from the Washington Beltway (exit 25) and go about two miles. After you pass campus drive (the main entrance) take the first right to find metered parking at the Visitor's Center. Contact: Chip Spangler, 301-346-2361. October 19 (Saturday): 1:00 - 3:00 pm. Candidate forum at Glenwood Library, Cooksville. David Margolis is running as an official write-in candidate for Howard County Council, District 5. Please try to come to at least one of these events. The Demopublican and Republicrat candidates will have their "rent-a-crowds", so it would be nice if we Libertarians have ours as well. If you can only make one event, please attend the one at Howard Community College. It will be taped for local cable. Plus all local and state candidates will be there. Furthermore, I expect that the Baltimore Sun, Washington Post, and Howard County Times will send their respective reporters. Please e-mail me if you need directions, etc. Thanks. October 19 (Saturday): 11:00 am. St. Mary's County Oyster Festival at the St. Mary's County Fairgrounds in Leonardtown, Maryland. Unfortunately, there won't be booths for any political party or candidates at the festival. But Spear will be walking around and talking to people at the festival. He plans to be there on Saturday around 11AM. As you may know, Spear has received much attention from the Southern Maryland newspapers. It'd be great to have a lot of yellow and black shirts walking around the festival and following Spear. I'm sure we'll hear more than one person say that they read about Spear in the newspapers. The gates open at 9am on Saturday and 11am on Sunday. There is a $5 admission for those of us over 12. Parking is free. Directions can be found on the Oyster Festival web site: www.usoysterfest.com. If you plan on attending, we can meet inside the gate at 11am on Saturday. Hope to see you there! In case of bad weather, we will attend on Sunday. Check the MDLP-Announce list on Sunday around 8AM if the weather is questionable. Contact: Michael Dobak, 410-798-6550, Cell 443-309-7137. October 21 (Monday): 7:00 pm. Montgomery County Public Forum: In Defense of Civil Liberties. The Montgomery County Bill Of Rights Coalition will hold an initial organizational meeting and public forum to address Montgomery County residents' concerns regarding threats to civil liberties in the aftermath of September 11, 2001. The event will take place at the Chevy Chase Public Library, 8005 Connecticut Avenue, Chevy Chase, Maryland. Since September 11, the threat of additional terrorist attacks has prompted the passage and implementation of several measures designed to enhance public safety, such as the USA Patriot Act, Operation TIPS, and several Executive Orders. However, these measures have drawn significant criticism for infringing upon, among other things, the freedoms of speech, assembly and privacy; the right to counsel and due process; and protection from unreasonable searches and seizures. The meeting will focus on the provisions and implications of these measures and laws, and the efforts that citizens and the Montgomery County Bill Of Rights Coalition may undertake to safeguard civil liberties. All interested residents are strongly encouraged to attend; the longer citizens' concerns go unexpressed, the greater the likelihood that additional overreaching measures will be implemented. For more information, or if you are interested in assisting in the organization of the Coalition, please contact Stephen C. Dwyer at 301-299-1129. October 21 (Monday): 7:30 pm. Montgomery County Central Committee meeting at Glenn Howard's' place in Silver Spring. For directions, contact: Glenn Howard, 301-585-1793. October 22 (Tuesday): 6:30 pm. LDDS, Prince Georges County. October 23 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Cecil County Libertarians. October 25 (Friday): 7:30 pm. Baltimore County LP meeting. Location: AMF lanes in Timonium, right accross from the fairgrounds. This will be the last meeting before November 5th, so some important strategizing will occur. Plus, you will need to pick up literature to distribute before the 5th, and at the polls. Please email me and tell me if you can attend or not. Contact: Jack Mitcham. October 26 (Saturday): 9:45 - 10:45 am. Candidate forum at Howard Community College, Columbia. David Margolis is running as an official write-in candidate for Howard County Council, District 5. Please try to come to at least one of these events. The Demopublican and Republicrat candidates will have their "rent-a-crowds", so it would be nice if we Libertarians have ours as well. If you can only make one event, please attend this one. It will be taped for local cable. Plus all local and state candidates will be there. Furthermore, I expect that the Baltimore Sun, Washington Post, and Howard County Times will send their respective reporters. Please e-mail me if you need directions, etc. Thanks. October 26 (Saturday): Literature drops. Morning session: Baltimore County SW section, Steve; Baltimore City, Lorenzo; Anne Arundel County 9:30 am - 12:30 pm meet at the McDonald's off Richie Hwy in Arnold at 9:00am, coordinator Aaron Jones. Afternoon session: Baltimore County, Jack; Somewhere, Steve; Baltimore City, Lorenzo; Anne Arundel County?, coordinator TBA. Contact: Steve Boone. October 27 (Sunday): 5:00 pm. Carroll/Howard County Libertarians. October 27 (Sunday): Literature drops. Morning session [late]: Baltimore County, Jack; Somewhere, Steve. Afternoon session: Baltimore County?, Jack?; Somewhere, Steve; AA County?, Coordinator TBA; Baltimore City, **LATE** Lorenzo. Contact: Steve Boone. PG County: meet at noon at the shopping center near the corner of Rhode Island Ave and Edgewood Rd. Take the exit off of the capital belway at Route 1 (exit 25) south, and immediately make a left onto Edgewood Rd. Make a right at Rhode Island Ave, and then turn left into the shopping center. Turn right once you get to the parking lot, and you'll see Chip's green Chevy Blazer. Click for map. The shopping center will be the meeting point - we'll spread out from there to the drop locations. If you're coming, please call me to let me know whether you need a ride, or if you have your own vehicle if you can carry others around (we'll be doing the drops in teams of two people). Contact: Chip Spangler, 301-346-2361. October 28 (Monday): Noon - 1:00 pm. Spear Lancaster on the Mark Steiner Show on WYPR 88.1 FM. Listen and call in! October 28 (Monday): 7:00 pm. Harford County Libertarians. November 1 (Friday): 12:30 pm. Journey for Justice demonstration at the White House (Lafayette Park side). The theme of the Journey will be Racism + Hypocrisy = The War on Drugs with a focus on how elites (politicians and their children) are treated differently than the rest of us when it comes to drug enforcement. We need you to attend and for you to get others to attend. Please let me know if you will be able to make it and if others will be coming with you. Contact: Keith Halderman. November 2/3 (Saturday/Sunday): Literature drops -- all over the place -- specific neighborhoods to be arranged. There's probably going to be one near you if you're in the DC or Baltimore Metro Areas. I'd like to have as many as possible, to get out thousands [yes, thousands] of pieces to a variety of 'hoods. They usually run a couple hours, but we can certainly take people who want to contribute more time. I expect to do about six hours or so each of those two days. Contact: Steve Boone. November 3 (Sunday): 1:00 pm. Literature drop in Prince George's county to promote Spear Lancaster's campaign for governor! The meeting place is College Park. We will meet at the shopping center near the corner of Rhode Island Ave and Edgewood Rd. If you're coming from outside of College Park, take the exit off of the capital belway at Route 1 (exit 25) south, and immediately make a left onto Edgewood Rd. Make a right at Rhode Island Ave, and then turn left into the shopping center. Turn right once you get to the parking lot, and you'll see my green Chevy Blazer. If you're in College Park, just take Route 1 north, make a right on Edgewood before the beltway and continue on from there. Click for map. The shopping center will be the meeting point - we'll spread out from there to the drop locations. If you're coming, please call me to let me know whether you need a ride, or if you have your own vehicle if you can carry others around (we'll be doing the drops in teams of two people). Call me and let me know! Thanks for your help - and let's get Spear those votes! Contact: Chip Spangler, 301-346-2361. November 3 (Sunday): 8:10 - 9:00 am. Nick Sarwark appears on Metro Talk. November 4 (Monday): Last-chance for literature drops. If you're not working on Monday during the day, I'd like to get one last drop out wherever we can get volunteers. I personally should be available that day as well. We want to wrap up in mid-afternoon at the latest because the next day will be a BIG day. Contact: Steve Boone. November 5 (Tuesday): Election Day. Help out at the polls. Support Spear Lancaster and the Libertarian Party! We need poll workers! If you've mentioned to me that you'd like to help, NOW is the time to mention it again. In Legislative District #7 -- parts of Baltimore and Harford Counties -- we will be asking people to hand out two pieces: one for Spear/Lorenzo and one for Mike Linder, who is running for House of Delegates. For the rest of the state, we'll be handing out Spear/Lorenzo only. It would be wonderful to have people at every poll every hour of the day. It ain't gonna happen, so let's get serious, shall we? We have targeted polls where we DO plan to have all-day coverage. Volunteers do NOT have to travel halfway across the state to help out -- your own neighborhood or one close to you -- is probably going to be great! However, if you're not available for all day coverage and still want to help, we STILL need you! Here are some other coverage availabilities: AM RUSH: 7:00 AM to about 9:30
AM Those who work the PM rush, we're going to ask to "close" the polls, that is, to go inside and watch the reporting of the votes. In most counties, that will take only a half hour at most. You'll need a special permission sheet to do so, and we'll arrange to get them to you if you're willing to help do so. We will also have some high school students getting Community Service Hours by helping the campaigns. In order for them to receive their hours, there MUST be adult supervision, so, the number of students we can help will depend on the number of adults who will volunteer. You can double your efforts by just showing up! Getting 1% is not impossible... but it IS up to YOU to help! Thanks. Finally, to answer the burning question: YES, we're planning to have an election night party. We hope all our volunteers will attend, and it's likely going to be in the Baltimore area -- but nothing is set in stone just yet. Watch this space. Contact: Steve Boone . Election Night Party: after the polls close at Fuddruckers, 125 Market Place, near Baltimore's Inner Harbor. Click for map. November
9 (Saturday): 10:00 am. Cancelled.
November 13 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Montgomery County. November 13 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Anne Arundel County Libertarians. November 13 (Wednesday): 7:30 pm. LDDS Harford County. November 14 (Thursday): 7:30 pm. Libertarian Night in Waldorf. Location: Bennigan's Grill & Tavern (click for map). November 15 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Timonium. November 18 (Monday): 7:00 pm. Montgomery County Libertarian Night Out. Location: Ruby Tuesdays, 19800 Century Blvd., Germantown, MD 301-528-2688. Ruby Tuesdays is in the Shopping Center at the Intersection of Rt. 118 and Century Blvd., near the Safeway. Please let me know if you will be there for the new Libertarian Night Out in Germantown. Contact: Steve Wilson at 301-921-0426. November 20 (Wednesday): 7:30 pm. MdLP Executive Board meeting in Linthicum. Contact Joe Miller for directions. November 20 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Libertarian Night in Bowie. Location: Ruby Tuesday Restaurant at 16451 Excalibur Rd. (right off of Route 301, just a bit south of Route 50 and past the stadium) (click for map). November 24 (Sunday): 5:00 pm. Carroll/Howard County Libertarians. November 24 (Sunday): Help get petitions signed at the Ravens v TENNESSEE TITANS at Ravens Stadium (game starts at 1:00 pm). We would like to get some people out to the light rail stations for a couple hours before and after the game, and I would like to try and get about 5 or 6 people to go up to the Stadium about 9 or 10 am and start get the people that are tailgating. If you wish to help, email me. Contact: Chris Panasuk November 24 (Sunday): 5:00 pm. MdLP mailing party in Owings Mills. Contact: Robert Glaser, 410-363-8748. November 25 (Monday): 7:00 pm. Harford County Libertarians. November 26 (Tuesday): 6:30 pm. LDDS, Prince Georges County. November 27 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Cecil County Libertarians. November 30 (Saturday): 9:00 am. Help get petitions signed at the Wake Forest v. Terps game (game starts at noon). Meet at IHOP in College Park at 9 am so we can hit the tailgaters. Contact: Chris Panasuk. December 1 (Sunday): 8:10 - 9:00 am. Nick Sarwark appears on Metro Talk. December 7 (Saturday): 7:00 pm. Montgomery County Libertarian Party Holiday Party. Location: Doris Gordon's house. There will be a short business meeting prior to the party. Business includes the election of officers for 2003. There will be a silent auction. Proceeds will go to the State and County Party. Bring a wrapped present to auction off. Dinner will be a pot luck dinner. All persons are requested to bring a dish according to their last name. A - E SALAD OR BEVERAGE; F - J APPETIZERS; K - O SIDE DISH; P - T ENTREE; U - Z DESSERT. All Maryland and Montgomery County Libertarians are invited! Contact: Steve Wilson at 301-921-0426. December 8 (Sunday): Help get petitions signed at the Ravens v. New Orleans Saints game at Ravens Stadium (game starts at 4:05 pm). I would like to try and get about 50 people to solicit the people that are tailgating. The lots open at 11:00 am. So far by my count I have about 10 people going; if we can get 50, the drive will be done and it will be done early. Please come out and help the party in this time of NEED. Meet at the Johnny Unitas Plaza on the side of the stadium at 11:00 am. The lots should fill up early, and this will be the warmest time of the day. If you wish to help, email me. Contact: Chris Panasuk. December 11 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Montgomery County. December 11 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Anne Arundel County Libertarians. December 11 (Wednesday): 7:30 pm. LDDS Harford County. December 17 (Tuesday): 7:00 pm. Montgomery County Bill Of Rights Coalition public meeting to address Montgomery County residents' concerns regarding threats to civil liberties in the aftermath of September 11, 2001. The event will take place at the Chevy Chase Public Library, 8005 Connecticut Avenue, Chevy Chase, Maryland. Since September 11, the threat of additional terrorist attacks has prompted the passage and implementation of several measures designed to enhance public safety, such as the USA PATRIOT Act, Operation TIPS, and several Executive Orders. However, these measures have drawn significant criticism for infringing upon, among other things, the freedoms of speech, assembly and privacy; the right to counsel and due process; and protection from unreasonable searches and seizures. The meeting will focus on the provisions and implications of these measures and laws. The meeting also shall focus on those political efforts that citizens and the Montgomery County Bill Of Rights Coalition may undertake to safeguard civil liberties, such as drafting a resolution, for consideration and adoption by the County Counsel, in opposition to these measures and laws. All interested residents are strongly encouraged to attend; the longer citizens' concerns go unexpressed, the greater the likelihood that additional overreaching measures will be implemented. For more information, or if you are interested in assisting in the organization of the Coalition, please contact Stephen C. Dwyer at 301-299-1129. December 18 (Wednesday): 7:30 pm. MdLP Executive Board meeting in Takoma Park. For directions, contact: Nick Sarwark at 301-439-2139. December 20 (Friday): 7:00 pm. LDDS, Timonium. December 22 (Sunday): Help get petitions signed at the Ravens v. Cleveland Browns game at Ravens Stadium (game starts at 4:15 pm). Please come out and help the party in this time of NEED. Meet at the Johnny Unitas Plaza on the side of the stadium at 1:00 pm. If you wish to help, email me. Contact: Chris Panasuk. December 23 (Monday): 7:00 pm. Harford County Libertarians. December 29 (Sunday): 5:00 pm. Carroll/Howard County Libertarians.
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