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Libertarian Party of Maryland

Photo Album, page 5

Album Directory

MdLP Fall Convention - October 27, 2001

Luigi Petti's RestaurantSpear Lancaster, speaker
Luigi Petti's Restaurant in Little Italy (Baltimore) and keynote speaker gubernatorial candidate Spear Lancaster

Gene Cisewski addresses audienceGeoffrey Neale
Gene Cisewski and Geoffrey Neale

Lorenzo GaztanageNick SarwarkCarol Moore
Lorenzo Gaztañaga, Nick Sarwark, and Carol Moore

Lady Liberty assists Susan GaztanagaTony Spezio accepts award
Lady Liberty assists Susan Gaztañaga singing, and Tony Spezio (right) accepts award from Chairman Nick Sarwark

Reister's Towne Festival - September 8/9, 2001

Beanbag.jpgReisterstown Festival

MdLP Picnic - August 4, 2001

Tawes Clambake -- July 18, 2001

Silver Spring International Festival - June 16, 2001

International Festival

Glenn Howard, Chip Spangler, and Andrew Williams man the MdLP outreach table

Sunfest - June 2, 2001
The Libertarian Party of Cecil County's first booth at Sunfest in Rising Sun


Left: Valerie McGlothlin, Dave Sten, and Jeff Carr. Right: Banner Segraves, Dave Sten, and Jeff Carr.

Central Committee Meeting - April 29, 2001

Nathan Henry's Restaurant

Nathan Henry's Restaurant was the meeting place; candidates Dave Sten (top left), Jeff Hallyburton (top right), Dan Michael (bottom left), and Dave Margolis (bottom right) appeared.


Tax Day Protest - April 16, 2001

Cecil Whig article

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