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CC Minutes | | PDF format Central Committee Minutes Minutes of the Central Committee of the Libertarian Party Opening: The Libertarian State Central Committee of Maryland met at Arvin Vohra's home in Bethesda, Maryland. The meeting was called to order at 4:25 pm by chairman Bob Johnston. Attendance: the Credentials Committee consisted of: Robert Glaser; Mark Grannis; and Tony Spezio. It validated that 18 Central Committee members were in attendance for the meeting. No proxies were represented. The Central Committee rolls consist of 40 members. Minutes: The minutes of the 3 March 2012 and 19 May 2012 Central Committee meetings were accepted as submitted. Treasurer's report: was accepted as submitted by Michael Linder. Chair's Report: Bob Johnston reports that we have 96 members to date; Stuart Simms is taking up membership duties; we have 10,368 registered voters as of June 30. Ballot Access: we need to turn in 2766 valid signatures by Monday August 6; we currently have 3300-3500 raw sigs and paid petitioners are working on more. National Rep. Jim Lark: we could get 50 states on the ballot; National is spending a lot of money on ballot access Gary Johnson Maryland coordinator Eric Blitz: the campaign is working on refining television advertising which now is online; shortening them down to the 30 second spots needed for broadcast media. Need money to do effective advertising; could use some more volunteers, needs district directors, will be back at U.Md.; yard signs and bumper stickers available; one million dollars was donated to a PAC supporting Gary. Candidates: Leo Dymowski repots that things are working out; he can tell the truth as a candidate. Arvin Vohra is filling out voter guides, doing outreach on a libertarian radio show, and suggests that we emphasize media outlets that are amenable to Libertarians. Mark Grannis is gearing up for a big push after Labor Day, signs worked best for him last time so is ordering more; working on data mining targeted internet ads and doing book signings. Dean Ahmad's campaign got off to a rocky start due to our ballot access blip, but things are looking rosy; working on arranging meetings at mosques, the campaign staff is working hard; keep up with website; working on brochures, have prototype bumper stickers; is filing questionaires, have outreach staff, need volunteers, including those to hand out literature at the polls. Muir Boda will be in a debate with his district 1 competitors on October 21. Announcements: a reminder of upcoming events: Chesapeake Pride Festival Aug. 4, Reisterstown parade Sept. 8, Essex Day Sept. 16, Fells Point Oct. 6/7. Tony Spezio notes that next Friday there is a protest in DC on the healthcare law. Robert Glaser has forms with him for MdLP license plates, and MdLP caps for sale. Adjournment: the Central Committee thanks our host and hostess; the meeting adjourned at 6:03 pm. --Robert E. Glaser
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