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Libertarian Party of Maryland

CC Minutes |

Central Committee Minutes

Minutes of the Central Committee of the Libertarian Party
of Maryland -- Saturday, 1 April 2006

Opening: The Libertarian State Central Committee of Maryland met at Squire's Italian Restaurant in Dundalk, Maryland. The meeting was called to order at 3:56 pm by chairman Dave Sten.

Attendance: the Credentials Committee consisted of: Robert Glaser; Robert Johnston III; and Steven Boone. It validated that 25 Central Committee members were in attendance for the meeting. No proxies were initially represented; one was subsequently provided when an attending member departed. The Central Committee rolls consist of 54 members.

Minutes: The minutes of the 6 August 2005 and 15 May 2005 Central Committee meetings were accepted as submitted.

Treasurer's report: The Treasurer's report was accepted as displayed.

Membership report: Steve Sass reported that we get several inquiries per month; there are 114 members currently. There had been a delay in getting renewal letters out, but that is now corrected.

Chair's Report: Dave Sten reports that LP Stuff is now the source for LP literature. A new membership database is now online and is maintainable. The Executive Director position has been dissolved and obligations completed. The National Convention is on July 1-2 in Portland, OR (there are platform and other committee meetings the prior two days). MD is authorized for 28 delegates. Information is at We need a central storage location -- currently using Dave's home in Cecil county. Outreach booth prices have increased greatly and this is a hardship to the county affiliates. The Howard County Central Committee is currently being formed. The Delaware LP convention is next Saturday.

Delegates to the National Convention: Nick Sarwark, Derek Pomery, Hadassah Aaronson, Susan Gaztañaga, Lorenzo Gaztañaga, Steve Boone, Dean Ahmad, Doris Gordon, and Chip Spangler were nominated and approved. The Secretary is directed to fill out the delegate and alternate lists with remaining Central Committee members. Any designated alternate can notify the Chairman to become a delegate prior to the submission deadline.

Program Committee's Report: proposed changes:

    Section labeled Education – first sentence becomes: "Encourage variety in education through local control, including:" No change to text in bullets. PASS on a voice vote.

    Section labeled Job and Wealth Creation without Corporate Welfare – change first bullet to read "Ending public funding for such things as stadiums, hotels, concert halls, etc., as such funds tend to be political favors." 14 FOR, 8 NO = PASS; delete last bullet that starts with "Reducing government spending in order to lower the tax burden." PASS on a voice vote.

    Section labeled Land Use, Transportation, and the Environment – in the last sentence, change "privately provided public" to "mass." PASS on a voice vote.

    Section labeled Crime and Public Safety – remove "and prosecuting those who sell drugs to minors" from the first bullet; delete the third bullet that starts with "Drug prohibition, as alcohol prohibition before it"; delete the fourth bullet that starts with "The Second Amendment means that any attempts to take guns away from"; add new bullet: "Promote medical treatment, rather than prison sentences, for those who abuse alcohol or drugs."; add new bullet: "Stopping the national War on Drugs will reduce profit of the drug trade, resulting in a decrease in crime."; add new bullet: "Permit the carrying of firearms with training and a background check (shall-issue). This will allow law-abiding citizens the constitutional right to arm themselves to protect their homes and liberties. Waiting periods, bans, and registration may actually increase crime." 9 FOR, 7 NO = PASS.

Raffle Resolution: The Executive Board has the authority to run a "Celebrate Freedom" raffle, consisting of: a trip for two to Amsterdam, including airfare from BWI and lodging; a tour of Amsterdam; the opportunity for the winner to be a judge in the Cannabis Cup; or the winner to take a cash payout alternative. Steve Sass presented an estimate that it will cost us $10,000 for a $50,000 return; the maximum out-of-pocket expense is anticipated as $1000. $1.00 of the $5.00 ticket price is to go to the county affiliate if sold in person by an affiliate member. This project is contingent upon an awaited legal opinion. 15 FOR, 6 NO = PASS.

Nominations of Candidates for Statewide Office:

    Lorenzo Gaztañaga nominated Kevin Zeese for U.S. Senate. Mr. Zeese made a short presentation. Dean Ahmad nominated None of the Above for that office. 14 Kevin Zeese, 9 None of the Above = Kevin Zeese wins nomination.

    David Johnston nominated Charles McPeek for the House of Representatives, 3rd congressional district. Mr. McPeek made a short presentation. 13 FOR, 5 NO = Charles McPeek wins nomination.

    Steve Boone nominated David Titman for Howard County Circuit Court Judge. Mr. Titman's son made a short presentation. 15 FOR, 4 NO = David Titman wins nomination.

Resolution: if legal, any MdLP pledger of $10/month or more shall receive a paid LP News subscription of not more than $25/year. 8 FOR, 10 NO = FAIL.

Officer Elections: David Sten, Robert Glaser, Michael Linder, Robert Johnston III, Anthony Spezio, Steven Sass, and Steven Boone were nominated for the Executive Board. A voice vote approved voting as a slate; a voice vote approved the slate.

Adjournment: the Central Committee meeting adjourned at 6:00 pm.

--Robert E. Glaser

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