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Libertarian Party of Maryland

CC Minutes |

Central Committee Minutes

Minutes of the Central Committee of the Libertarian Party of Maryland -- Saturday, 26 April 2003

Opening: The Libertarian State Central Committee of Maryland met at the Old Station 8 Firehouse, 13 E. Diamond Ave., in Gaithersburg, Maryland. The meeting was called to order at 11:10 am by chairman Nick Sarwark. Prior to the meeting, the following were distributed: the minutes of the 29 September 2002 Central Committee meeting; and the Treasurer's report.

Attendance: the Credentials Committee consisted of: Robert Glaser; Steve Sass; and Steve Wilson. It validated that 32 Central Committee members were in attendance for the meeting. Additionally, 4 proxies were represented. The Central Committee rolls consist of 67 members.

Minutes: The minutes were accepted as distributed and read.

Treasurer's report: Joe Miller explained that we now have a third bank account due to Federal Election Commission (FEC) and Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA) laws. We are still jumping through hoops for the FEC -- which needs to be done to permit sending membership renewal payments to national -- but we are working with national handling the renewals. The Party's liability insurance policy is now on an installment plan. The report was accepted.

Report of the Chairman: Nick Sarwark reported that MdLP membership is up to about 200, which we believe is a high point, due in no small part to Steve Sass -- while national membership is decreasing. We have also been recruiting national-only members. He thanked the 2002 gubernatorial campaign for this first-time effort for us. We had decided not to collect party recognition petition signatures prior to the election because of the gubernatorial campaign, with the hope of receiving 1% of that vote -- which would have made it unnecessary. Unfortunately, that did not occur. At this time we are in the middle of a petition drive, and the state no longer recognizes us as a political party. We are halfway there now, and expect to finish by the end of the summer. There is no better time to be a libertarian than now, in light of international events and the reduction of civil liberties domestically.

Election of Officers: the following were nominated and seconded for the Executive Board: C. David Eagle; Charles (Chip) Spangler; Roy J. Meyers III; Robert Glaser; Joe Miller; Nick Sarwark; and Steven Sass. It was agreed to vote by acclamation; all seven candidates were unanimously elected to the Board.

Resolution: Keith Halderman submitted the following, as modified:

    Be it resolved that we instruct the planner of the next convention to make every effort to secure Judge James P. Gray as a featured speaker. He should not receive any payment from us should he be an announced libertarian presidential candidate at the time of the convention.

Keith noted that he possibly will run for president. The judge's book is "Why Our Drug Laws Have Failed and What We Can Do About It." The resolution passed. It was also resolved to instruct the next convention planner to invite all announced libertarian presidential candidates.

Constitutional Amendments: Steve Sass proposed the following be added at the end of Article V, section 4D (Vacancies) [proposed amendment 1]:

    Prior to the next Central Committee meeting, the Chairman will appoint a new member to the Executive Board to fill any vacancy. The specific appointment is subject to a positive vote of all the Executive Board.

Steve Boone proposed a new Section 7 be added to Article VI (Local Central Committees) [proposed amendment 2]:

    Each local Secretary shall maintain a current list of local committee members and forward such list to the Secretary of the state committee within 30 days in advance of each state Central Committee meeting.

Steve Boone proposed a new Section 8 be added to Article VI (Local Central Committees) [proposed amendment 3]:

    The local committee Treasurer shall have the authority to collect dues for national and/or state dues on behalf of the state committee. The local Treasurer shall deduct the local dues amount from the collected payments and forward the monies to the state party in a reasonably prompt time period.

Libertarian Party of Maryland Program: Dave Margolis proposed the following change: replace the next-to-last sentence, "Permit the carrying of firearms with training and a background check" with "Recognize the right of law-abiding citizens to carry firearms." It was voted to consider this at the next meeting.

Announcements: Jay Baker acknowledged that Douglas McNeil from Baltimore City had his letter to the editor published in the Washington Post on April 22 regarding a road rage murder. Michael Linder gave a reminder about attending the 27th annual J. Millard Tawes Crab & Clam Bake in Crisfield on July 16. Steve Wilson requested help at the Montgomery County Agricultural Fair on August 8-16; the Montgomery County LP has single-use passes for the workers available.

Adjournment: the Central Committee meeting adjourned at 12:18 pm.

--Robert E. Glaser

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