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Libertarian Party of Maryland

CC Minutes |

Central Committee Minutes

Minutes of the Central Committee of the Libertarian Party of Maryland -- Sunday, 15 May 2005

Opening: The Libertarian State Central Committee of Maryland met at Luigi Petti Restaurant in Baltimore, Maryland. The meeting was called to order at 5:34 pm by chairman Dave Sten.

Attendance: the Credentials Committee consisted of: Robert Glaser; Robert Johnston III; and Russell Kominski. It validated that 24 Central Committee members were in attendance for the meeting. Additionally, 6 proxies were represented. The Central Committee rolls consist of 54 members.

Minutes: The minutes of the 24 July 2004 Central Committee meeting were accepted as submitted.

Treasurer's report: The Treasurer's report was accepted as displayed. Joe Miller reports that he has $1564 in undeposited checks as of this morning.

Membership report: Roy J. Meyers III reported that we currently have 149 members. 24 expired in March and April; he expects 20 recoveries from those, projecting we will be at 169 next month.

Chair's Report: Dave Sten reported that in Cecil county there are various upcoming events; Harford county has the farm fair; other counties have events as well; all are posted on the website. Things Cecil county has done to be effective: got involved with the 21st century Republicans club; worked on getting Cecil county to elect its school board; received an invitation from a bible studies group at the Cecil county fair, with a live radio debate; these are various things that can be done to achieve awareness. We don't have very many active members. Would like to get a trifold brochure and business cards for distribution at events.

Executive Director's report: Roy J. Meyers III gave a presentation on strategy. Mission: elect libertarians to office and influence public policy in a libertarian direction. Vision: be organized, professional, competent, proactive and the only viable alternative to Democrats and Republicans in Md. Values: inclusive and incrementalist; avoid self-destruction on divisive issues; emphasize direction, not destination. Reached a consensus on the statement: "We want to reduce the size and scope of government to its constitutional minimums, increase personal freedoms and promote personal responsibility." Goals: permanent and/or self-sufficient ballot access by 2007; at least one person elected to the state legislature in 2010; at least one person elected to local office in 2010; at least three persons appointed to any county or municipal position by 2010; at least one public policy victory each year; strengthen and increase affiliate Central Committees; strengthen and increase campus organizations. Strategy: ballot access; infrastructure; candidates; everything all the time. Status: ballot access; infrastructure; candidates.

Program Committee's Report: Proposed changes to the State Program:

  1. after "education funds will follow each child accordingly" add: "(e.g. tax credits, vouchers, etc.)" -- committee recommends FOR -- vote 16/8 for/against, motion PASSES.
  2. after "background check" add "(shall-issue)" -- committee recommends FOR -- vote 17/5, motion PASSES.

Election of Officers: The following people were nominated: David Sten; Robert Glaser; Steven Sass; Robert Johnston III; Katrina Groth; Michael Linder; and Anthony Spezio. It was agreed by unanimous voice vote to vote for officers as a slate. A unanimous voice vote approved the given slate. The Central Committee thanked Joe Miller for ably serving as treasurer for five years.

Adjournment: the Central Committee meeting adjourned at 6:51 pm.

--Robert E. Glaser

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