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Libertarian Party of Maryland

CC Minutes |

Central Committee Minutes

Minutes of the Initial Governing Body of the Libertarian Party of Maryland -- Saturday, 24 July 2004

Opening: The Initial Governing Body of the Libertarian Party of Maryland met in Hallowing Point Park in Calvert County, Maryland. The meeting was called to order at 3:30 pm by chairman Roy J. Meyers III. Prior to the meeting, the proposed Constitution dated July 2004 was distributed. (It was the existing MdLP Constitution of 3 April 2004 as revised by attorney Scott Haiber to conform to SBE requirements.)

Attendance: 13 members of the Initial Governing Body were in attendance for the meeting. Additionally, ten proxies were represented. The Initial Governing Body consists of 25 people.

Constitution: There was discussion over reading the proposed Constitutional changes. It was agreed that the meeting be briefly recessed to provide time for all present to review printed copies. After the recess, the proposed Constitution was adopted by a vote of 23/0/0 (Yes/No/Abstain).

Officers: There was discussion over whether to vote on the election of officers as a slate, or for election with officer positions attached to each person. It was voted to proceed with an election of officers as a slate. The slate of: Roy J. Meyers III; Charles P. Spangler; Robert E. Glaser; Joseph J. Miller, Jr.; Steven M. Sass; Robert S. Johnston III; and Christopher Panasuk was elected by a vote of 22/0/1.

Adjournment: The meeting of the Initial Governing Body adjourned at 3:58 pm.

Minutes of the Central Committee of the Libertarian Party of Maryland -- Saturday, 24 July 2004

Opening: The Libertarian State Central Committee of Maryland met in Hallowing Point Park in Calvert County, Maryland. The meeting was called to order at 4:11 pm by chairman Roy J. Meyers III. Prior to the meeting, the following were distributed: the Treasurer's report and the minutes of the 3 April 2004 Central Committee meeting.

Attendance: the Credentials Committee consisted of: Robert Glaser; Robert Johnston III; and Ron Kean. It validated that 15 Central Committee members were in attendance for the meeting. Additionally, 9 proxies were represented. The Central Committee rolls consist of 57 members.

Officer Positions: Roy J. Meyers III reported that the officer assignments are as follows: Roy J. Meyers III -- chairman; Charles P. Spangler -- vice chairman; Robert E. Glaser -- secretary; Joseph J. Miller, Jr. -- treasurer; and Steven M. Sass, Robert S. Johnston III, and Christopher Panasuk as at-large members.

Minutes: The minutes of the 3 April 2004 Central Committee meeting were accepted as submitted.

Treasurer's report: There was a question as to why the balance appeared to be higher than in the past. Joe Miller responded that the liability insurance policy is being paid on a monthly basis where in the past it had been paid with one lump sum, and that the last newsletter had been printed and mailed to members only, significantly reducing costs. The Treasurer's report was accepted.

Presidential Electors: The following were voted as Presidential Electors committed to Michael Badnarik: Roy J. Meyers III; C. David Eagle; Susan Gaztañaga; Steven Boone; Jack Mitcham, Jr.; Michael Linder; Charles Spangler; Tim Boots; Dean Ahmad; and Christopher Panasuk. Ron Kean and Russell Kominski were voted as alternates.

FairTax Resolution: Steven Sass proposed the following resolution:

    WHEREAS taxing wages, earnings, investment, savings, and death destroys individual freedom and initiative; and

    WHEREAS eliminating the Internal Revenue Service is a positive step in the right direction to restoring individual liberty; and

    WHEREAS the 16th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States should be repealed; and

    WHEREAS passage of H.R. 25 would change the direction of government confiscation of private property in the favor of the citizenry; and

    WHEREAS the complexity of the current tax system causes arbitrary government enforcement and denies equal protection under the law; therefore be it:

    RESOLVED that the Libertarian Party of Maryland (MDLP) endorses the passage of H.R. 25 as a step, and only a step, in the right direction; and be it

    FURTHER RESOLVED that the MDLP encourages all members to contact congressional representatives for their support.

The resolution passed by a vote of 19/3/3 (Yes/No/Abstain).

Paid Contract with a Board member: after lengthy informal discussion, Russell Kominski presented the following resolution:

    The Executive Board shall have the authority to enter into a contract with a Board member for not longer than a term to extend up to the Spring Central Committee meeting at which time the said member shall either resign from the Board or the contract be terminated.

The proposed resolution passed. A second resolution was proposed by Troy Zinderman:

    The Executive Board shall contact the Central Committee by any means necessary with notification of the date the contract will go into effect and provide a means of obtaining the terms of that contract.

The resolution passed.

Adjournment: the Central Committee meeting adjourned at 5:42 pm.

--Robert E. Glaser

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