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Libertarian Party of Maryland

CC Minutes | | PDF format

Central Committee Minutes

Minutes of the Central Committee of the Libertarian Party
of Maryland -- Saturday, 22 August 2009

Opening: The Libertarian State Central Committee of Maryland met on the grounds of Dave Sten's home in North East, Maryland. The meeting was called to order at 4:44 pm by chairman Bob Johnston.

Attendance: the Credentials Committee consisted of: Robert Glaser; Dave Sten; and Bill Buzzell. It validated that 11 Central Committee members were in attendance for the meeting. No proxies were represented. The Central Committee rolls consist of 26 members.

Minutes: The minutes of the 7 March 2009 and 28 June 2009 Central Committee meetings were accepted as submitted.

Treasurer’s report: Michael Linder's computer hard drive has crashed, and an unofficial report was recreated and distributed. The Board dropped the $1880 liability insurance policy, a major expense; the National LP indicated that no other affiliates carry such policies, and event-only insurance is typically available instead.

Chair’s Report: Bob Johnston thanked the Stens for hosting the picnic, and Jim Lark for making the long drive to attend; and welcomed Jim Rash and his group which attended from the Delaware LP. Our membership is at 69, with 11 monthly donors. Muir Boda was appointed to the Salisbury Recycling Board, a direct result from his candidacy. Tony Spezio stepped down from the Executive Board in July; Bob thanked him for his service; Justin Kinsey was appointed to temporarily replace that position. The BoE had fined us for delinquent reports, but surprisingly waived all fines; we are in good stead with them at the moment. The Treasurer had been keeping track of funds targeted to dissolved county affiliates, but as significant time has passed those categories have been absorbed into the general fund. The Board has the discretion to supply startup funds to any new or renewed affiliates in the future. Bob is getting inquiries from prospective candidates, and the interest is expanding.

Muir Boda (Media Director): has been maintaining the blog which has 100 hits per day; he solicits contributions. He encourages Letters to the Editor, members can forward them to him for submission if desired. Muir issued a press release after the 28 June nominating meeting.

Executive Board Vacancy: M. Justin Kinsey was nominated and unanimously voted onto the Board, replacing Tony Spezio.

Candidates: Darlene Nicholas was nominated and unanimously voted to be the MdLP candidate for Prince George's County Council in the 2010 election. Richard Davis reports that he has been to Annapolis and filed his Congressional campaign papers; he expects the race to be similar to that of 2008. Justin Kinsey states that there is a possibility that he will have no Democrat opponent, making it a two-way House of Delegates race between himself and an aging Republican; he has been networking with grassroots organizations.

New Business:

Bill Buzzell has a house full of LP equipment and literature, which must be freed up. Motion: the state LP shall purchase an 8x6 storage shed and shingles to be placed in Bill's backyard for that purpose at an expense up to $800; approved. Several members volunteered to assemble the unit.

Darlene Nicholas proposes the formation of a Public Relations Committee of 3-5 people; it was decided that the Board will create such an Ad Hoc committee, and consider making it a standing committee after a year or thereabouts.

Justin Kinsey gave the rights to a lion logo he had had created for branding purposes to the MdLP.

Announcements: Bill Buzzell reports that the Baltimore LP participated at Towsontowne, the Druid Hill Pride Festival, and the July 4th parade. Upcoming events are Essex Day on 20 Sept. and Fells Point on 3/4 Oct.; those fees have been paid but the treasury is depleted and can use contributions. 17 Sept. is Constitution Day and there is a rally in D.C. on 12 Sept. Jim Lark thanked us for the invite and the Delaware contingent for attending. Spear Lancaster spoke on his successes promoting charter schools in Maryland; he has a handout and offers assistance setting up additional schools.

Adjournment: the Central Committee meeting adjourned at 6:27 pm.

--Robert E. Glaser

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