Field Day 2016
(Revised 11/11/2016)

No sign

Location: Washington Monument State Park (Middletown, Maryland)

Date: June 25-26, 2016

Facebook: Randallstown ARC

Field Day Group

The crew: 2016 attendees left to right: (rear) Logan, WA3PYU, KN3U, AJ1DM, N2AW; (front) AG6DF, WA3IRQ, W4TG, K3MZ, WA3KLK, W3MIT, N3IC; Not shown: W3CID, WA3LTJ, KB3LMA, KG4NXZ, KM4EFH.


FD2016 (Big Brother) (22:21)
Drew Operating (0:25)
Running over Gordon (0:17)
Operating 1 (0:21)
Operating 2 (0:11)
Tower Lowering (6:47)

After last year's terrible rainy weather, this year sported beautiful blue skies. So no matter what else happened, it was going to be a great Field Day!

Erecting Antennas

Rocket Launcher Tribander

The Rocket Launcher Tribander

Potato Launcher Potato Launcher Potato Launcher Potato Launcher Potato Launcher Potato Launcher

John's Potato Launcher: the device, pumping it with air, attaching fishline, aiming, firing, and the entire crew supervising!

Final Elevated Antennas

Tribander Microwave Dish 20 Meter Yagi

The triband yagi with 2 & 6 meters atop; the microwave dish that gave us internet access via Boonsboro link; and the upgraded tower hoisting the 20 meter yagi.


The 40 meter Moxon

(Some of) The Operators

Frank Paul-VHF Paul-CW

Stalwart Frank, Paul on VHF and then on CW

Drew NIH crew Bob

Drew, the NIH crew (Victor, Andy, Al), and our top point maker Bob on what else but CW

Lee John and Gordon GOTA ops

Lee, John and Gordon, and young GOTA ops

Night Time

Nightime Nightime
Nightime Nightime

The sun may set, but our ops work in the (LED illuminated) dark. Bob can sleep however he likes because he is our most prolific point getter.


Equipment Equipment
What Now? What Now?

Some of the equipment. And then... Paul's laptop is acting crazy. We assemble various CEO's, CTO's, and VIP's -- including a former IBM/Microsoft/HP VP -- to analyze the problem. Without even calling tech support in India, the combined intelligentsia eventually decides to... reboot Windows (several times) and try a different laptop. We get the CW station operating again, but lost over an hour at the beginning of the contest! (Question: how many PhD's does it take to screw in a lightbulb?)

Shelter Scenes Shelter Scenes
Shelter Scenes Shelter Scenes
Shelter Scenes Shelter Scenes
Victor with his VR goggles Generator Shelter Scenes
Gordon, Logan Drew pontificates to Eva and Keith

We went with three transmitters:

Scoring Ranking

QSO's: 1123 cw + 104 PSK31 x 2 =2454
+ 1037 main + 268 GOTA (sum 1305) phone = 3759 x 2 = 7518
+ 1920 bonus points = grand total 9438

Logs & Analysis  |  Station List  |  ARRL Submission

Congratulations to Bob, who returns as our top operator! Look at the Operators worksheet in the Logs & Analysis spreadsheet for breakdowns by band, mode, operator, bonus point allocation, pie charts, QSO rates, and more (operator rankings including bonus points differ slightly). The year-to-year comparison worksheet is updated.

--- Results from December 2016 QST ---

See the RARC Home Page and the year-to-year worksheet in the spreadsheet for comparisons.

December 2016 QST2016 QST score

We scored 6th out of 326 (98 percentile) in the 3A category. We had the second highest score in the Atlantic Division (DEL, MDC, EPA, WPA, NNY, WNY, SNJ).

(The overall 3A high score was 14,610 -- ours was 9,438)

        2016 QSL card

        Print out a QSL card (pdf format).
        for the unzip password

Here are the 2016 FD Weblog notes. You can open them in the main browser window by clicking this.

RARC Home Page

(Photos and videos by Logan, WA3IRQ, W3MIT, N3IC. Designed to be viewable in 1024 width resolution)