![]() 1-800-MLP-1776 This webpage:
January 8 (Sunday): 8:10 - 9:00 am. Nick Sarwark substitute appears on Metro Talk. (Second Sunday this month only.) January 11 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Riva Libertarian Night Out. January 12 (Thursday): 1:15 - 3:15 pm. Movies with Messages with followup discussion, hosted by Gerald Schneider. The Castle -- an Australian smart comedy about a family whose home is to be taken by eminent domain for an airport expansion. Holiday Park Multiservice Senior Center, 2950 Ferrara Drive, Wheaton, MD 20906 (301-468-4448). January 14 (Saturday): 5:00 pm. Outing at Continental Arms Shooting Range, Cockeysville Md. Optional dinner near-by to follow. Contact: . January 14 (Saturday): 7:30 pm. Baltimore Libertarian Party meeting at Chilis in Timonium. Directions: I-83 or York Road to Padonia Rd.; from 83, head east on Padonia, and make a right onto Deerco; from York Road, make a left onto Padonia, then a left on Deerco. From the gun range, walk across the parking lot. Contact: . January 16 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. January 18 (Wednesday): 7:30 pm. MdLP Executive Board meeting in Pikesville. Contact to attend. January 23 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. January 24 (Tuesday): 7:00 pm. College Park Libertarian Night Out. January 25 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Cecil County Libertarians. January 30 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. February 1 (Wednesday): 1:15 pm. Jefferson Cafe: Discussion of Walmart -- What's not to like. Facilitator Gerald Schneider leads the discussion topic. Holiday Park Multiservice Senior Center, 2950 Ferrara Drive, Wheaton, MD 20906 (301-468-4448). Registration required. February 3 (Friday): 7:30 pm. MdLP mailing party in Owings Mills. Contact to help out. February 5 (Sunday): 8:10 - 9:00 am. Nick Sarwark appears on Metro Talk. February 6 (Monday): Harford County Libertarians meeting at the Bel Air Branch of the Harford County Public Library - meeting room 1 (all the way upstairs). Contact: . February 6 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. February 8 (Wednesday): 1:15 - 3:15 pm. Movies with Messages with followup discussion, hosted by Gerald Schneider. Friendly Persuasion -- Pacifist Quaker ways are strained in the Civil War, exploring conflicts of conscience. Holiday Park Multiservice Senior Center, 2950 Ferrara Drive, Wheaton, MD 20906 (301-468-4448). February 13 (Monday): 9:00 am. Deadline for submissions for the March issue of the Free? State Libertarian. February 13 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. February 14 (Tuesday): Frederick Douglass and Terry Atwood memorial day (MdLP Central Committee resolution 2/20/99). WHEREAS Frederick Douglass
(1817-1895) was a champion of the liberty of all people throughout his
life; February 15 (Wednesday): 7:30 pm. MdLP Executive Board meeting via teleconference. Contact to attend. February 18 (Saturday): 6:00 pm. The Mid-Atlantic Local Group of The Free State Project is proud to invite you to their second annual keynote dinner. The speaker for this year is Mr. Scott Bullock, Senior Attorney at the Institute for Justice and co-counsel for Kelo in the Kelo v. City of New London eminent-domain Supreme Court case. Mr. Bullock's presentation is entitled "Fighting for Liberty in the Courts." Intended to entertain and educate, Mr. Bullock will discuss the mechanics of the legal system and share stories and lessons learned from his court room battles. An extended question and answer session will follow Mr. Bullock's keynote. If you would like to attend this event, tickets are $20 per person if you RSVP before February 6th and $30 per person afterwards. Reservations are required. To RSVP, please contact and include the number of tickets you would like to reserve and whether you would like either Chicken Marsala or Tri-Colored (vegetarian) Tortellini. Payment for tickets can be made at the event or mailed to: Mid-Atlantic FSP Treasurer, 2819 Manoff Road, Halethorpe, MD 21227. Cash, checks, and Liberty Dollars are accepted. This event will be held in University Center Room 312 on the campus of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Directions can be found here. Please park in lot #10 and note that the University Center is not The Commons. Also, for those of you interested in meeting some New Hampshire natives and FSP early movers, several will be attending to socialize, answer questions, and speak about the activism and success stories occurring in New Hampshire. This event is sponsored by the Mid-Atlantic Free State Project and the UMBC Libertarians. February 20 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. February 21 (Tuesday): March newsletter preparation. If you can help me out for about an hour or two this evening in Owings Mills, please contact . February 22 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Cecil County Libertarians. February 27 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. February 28 (Tuesday): 7:00 pm. College Park Libertarian Night Out. March 6 (Monday): 7:00 pm. Baltimore Libertarians. March 6 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. March 8 (Wednesday): 1:15 - 3:15 pm. Movies with Messages with followup discussion, hosted by Gerald Schneider. The Moral Storm -- The rise of Hitler divides a family. Holiday Park Multiservice Senior Center, 2950 Ferrara Drive, Wheaton, MD 20906 (301-468-4448). March 11 (Saturday): 2:00 pm. Program Committee meeting in North East. Contact: . March 13 (Monday): 7:00-10:00 pm. A Display of the Cartoons: A Discussion of Free Speech and World Reaction. Who: Dr. Yaron Brook and Dr. Onkar Ghate of the Ayn Rand Institute, Mr. Charles Mitchell of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, and additional panelists. What: (1). A display of the controversial Danish cartoons depicting Mohammed. (2). A panel discussion and Q&A on the meaning of the worldwide reaction to the cartoons. Where: Johns Hopkins University Campus - Shriver Hall. Johns Hopkins University Objectivist club. March 13 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. March 15 (Wednesday): 7:30 pm. MdLP Executive Board meeting in Pikesville. Contact to attend. March 20 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. March 22 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Cecil County Libertarians. March 23 (Thursday): deadline for receipt of the MdLP State Convention advance discount payment. March 27 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. March 28 (Tuesday): 1:15 pm. Jefferson Cafe: Why Classical Liberals Care About the Rule of Law (And Hardly Anyone Else Does) -- Article by Andrew Morriss. Facilitator Gerald Schneider leads the discussion topic. Holiday Park Multiservice Senior Center, 2950 Ferrara Drive, Wheaton, MD 20906 (301-468-4448). Registration required. April 1 (Saturday): 1:00-9:00 pm (Registration begins at noon). MdLP annual convention (Click for more information). Location: Squire's Italian Restaurant, 6723 Holabird Avenue, Dundalk, MD 21222. Speakers include: Dr. Lawrence Egbert, a board member of the ACLU of Maryland; Shane Cory from the National LP; Russ Diamond, founder of PACleanSweep; Gerald Schneider of the Montgomery County LP; and Stephen Gordon, communications director for the Badnarik campaign, co-founder of HammerofTruth, and Alabama LP vice-chair. Updates since the newsletter: "Public Policy Issues In Maryland" by Thomas Firey, a senior fellow at the Maryland Public Policy Institute, and managing editor of Regulation magazine, the Cato Institute's quarterly review of business in government. Contact: . April 3 (Monday): 7:00 pm. Baltimore Libertarians. April 3 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. April 8 (Saturday): 11:00 am - 5:00 pm. Libertarian Party of Delaware Convention. Maryland neighbors invited. April 10 (Monday): 7:30 pm. MdLP Executive Board meeting via teleconference. Contact to attend. April 10 (Monday): 7:45 pm. Gallery Gang. April 17 (Monday): Tax Day protests at downtown Baltimore Post Office and other locations. Contact: . April 17-23 (Monday-Sunday): Liberty Week* at UMBC. Schedule of Events Monday, April 17th 1:00pm, Retriever Grille - Campus Political Party Debate. A debate on contemporary issues between the College Democrats, College Republicans, the UMBC Green Party, and the UMBC Libertarians. Monday, April 17th 7:00pm, University Center 310 (not the Commons) - Smoking Laws and The Nanny State, a Panel Discussion. The panelists for this event will be Glenn Schneider, a board member of SmokeFree Maryland and Radley Balko, an opponent of The Nanny State. Questions and comments from the audience will be taken. No background is required and there will be free pizza. Tuesday, April 18th 7:00pm, Commons 331 - Running as a Fusion Candidate. US Senate Candidate Kevin Zeese will be talking about his candidacy and experience running for office as multiple parties (Green, Libertarian, and Populist), a.k.a a fusion candidate. Questions and comments from the audience will be taken. No background is required and there will be free pizza. Wednesday, April 19th 7:00pm, Commons 331 - Book Forum: Liberation Biology. Ronald Bailey, Science Correspondent for Reason magazine will be discussing and answering questions about his new book, Libertarian Biology: The Scientific And Moral Case For The Biotech Revolution. No background is required and there will be free pizza. Thursday, April 20th 7:00pm, Commons 331 - The History of The War on Drugs. Keith Halderman, an historian specializing in drug war in the United States will be presenting an engaging synopsis of his research and answering questions from the audience. No background is required and there will be free pizza. Friday, April 21st 7:00pm, Muvico Theatres - V for Vendetta. An outing to see V for Vendetta at Muvico Theaters. If you are interested, . The carpool from UMBC will be leaving from behind Erickson Hall, i.e. the bottom of Walker Ave., at 7pm. You must notify us if you wish to get a ride. Tickets are not included. Saturday, April 22nd 12pm, The Quad Quadmania - The UMBC Libertarians will be selling pro-Liberty T-Shirts and Special Brownies to support our activities and The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML). Sunday, April 23rd 1:00pm, On Target in Severn - Shooting Range Field Trip. A group of people will be going to the local shooting range, On Target in Severn. If you are interested in attending, . The carpool from UMBC will be leaving from behind Erickson Hall, i.e. the bottom of Walker Ave., at 1pm. You must notify us if you wish to get a ride. Lane and rental costs are not included. *Liberty Week is sponsored by the UMBC Libertarians, the Campus Freethought Alliance, the College Republicans, College Democrats, UMBC Green Party and SPIN. with any questions or comments. Contact: . April 22 (Saturday):
Rescheduled for April 29. April 26 (Wednesday): 6:30 pm. The College Libertarians of Towson will be showing Grass at Towson University, room 238 of the Lecture Hall. This film is on America's war on marijuana. We will have free food for those who attend, and an open discussion after the film. Contact: . April 26 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Cecil County Libertarians. April 29 (Saturday): 10:00 am. The Libertarian Club of Baltimore has adopted a 3/4 mile section of Charles Street just south of the Beltway under the MD State Adopt-A-Highway Program. This is an LP publicity / Public Relations project of the Baltimore Area (and some very welcome other) Libertarians. We meet at the Ruxton School on Charles Street (right side going south, about 3/4 mile south of I-695). If you would like to join us, contact . May 1 (Monday): 7:00 pm. Baltimore Libertarians. Spear Lancaster will speak about the Maryland Taxpayers Association. May 6/May 7 (Saturday-Sunday): Towsontown Spring Festival. Saturday 10:00 am - 7:00 pm, Sunday 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm. Setup is two hours before opening. We need help to cover all hours. Vehicles must be off the grounds by 8 am on Saturday and 10 am on Sunday. Close down on both days at 7:00 pm, but we won't be able to get vehicles in to load up until 7:30 or 8:00 pm. If you can help any time on either day please let me know. Our booth location is 353 on the south side of Chesapeake Ave about 1/2 block west of York Road. Contact: . May 10 (Wednesday): 7:30 pm. MdLP Executive Board meeting via teleconference. Contact to attend. May 24 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Cecil County Libertarians. May 28 (Sunday): noon - 8:00 pm. Sowebo (Southwest Bohemian/Southwest Baltimore) Arts Festival. 1100 Hollins Street "Encircling historic Hollins Market" - near the H.L. Menken House. Setup prior to 11:30. Contact: . June 3 (Saturday): 10:00 am - 5:00 pm. Rising Sun Sunfest (Cecil County). Our booth is usually on Queen Street, which is near the intersection of Biggs Highway (Route 274) and Telegraph Road (Route 273). Contact: . June 3 (Saturday):
To be rescheduled.
June 5 (Monday): 7:00 pm. Baltimore Libertarians. June 10 (Saturday): Kevin Zeese, who has received the LP and Green Party nominations for US Senate embarks on a whirlwind tour of Central Maryland in the company of Ralph Nader. Mr. Nader has purchased 4,000 copies of the book "Cruel and Unusual," by Mark Crispin Miller, and will be selling them at each of these events - all proceeds to go to the Zeese campaign. The schedule is as follows: 9:30 am-11:30 am. Breakfast with Ralph/Kevin at the home of Kevin Zeese and Linda Schade in Takoma Park. By invitation only. 12:00 pm-2:00pm. General Fundraiser-open to public. Banning + Low West Howard Antiques and Design, 4229 Howard Ave., Kensington, MD 20895. Contact: . 2:00 pm-4:00 pm. National Coucil of Arab-Americans Community Picnic Gaithersburg, MD. By invitation only. Contact: . 5:00 pm-8:00pm. Rally in Baltimore: Langsdale Library auditorium, Univ. of Baltimore, 1420 Maryland Avenue at Oliver St., Baltimore, MD 21201-5779. Kevin Zeese, Ralph Nader and Ed Boyd will speak. Musician Bilal Salaam and poet RB Jones will perform. The best place to park is at Penn Station a block away. This is the big event - no invitation required. $10 suggested donation to enter. 7:00 pm-9:00pm. Sheldon Laskin House Party, 2303 Farringdon Rd. Baltimore, MD 21209. June 12 (Monday): 1:15 - 3:15 pm. Movies with Messages with followup discussion, hosted by Gerald Schneider. Not in This Town -- hate and violence in a community. Holiday Park Multiservice Senior Center, 2950 Ferrara Drive, Wheaton, MD 20906 (301-468-4448). June 12 (Monday): 7:30 pm. MdLP Executive Board meeting in Owings Mills. Contact to attend. June 17 (Saturday): 10:00 am. The Libertarian Club of Baltimore has adopted a 3/4 mile section of Charles Street just south of the Beltway under the MD State Adopt-A-Highway Program. This is an LP publicity / Public Relations project of the Baltimore Area (and some very welcome other) Libertarians. We meet at the Ruxton School on Charles Street (right side going south, about 3/4 mile south of I-695). If you would like to join us, contact . June 18 (Sunday): 11:00 am - 6:00 pm (setup 7:30 am). Baltimore Pride festival. Contact: . June 19 (Monday): 1:15 pm. Jefferson Cafe: Top of the Class: Why Asian Students Do So Well. Facilitator Gerald Schneider leads the discussion topic. Holiday Park Multiservice Senior Center, 2950 Ferrara Drive, Wheaton, MD 20906 (301-468-4448). Registration required. June 28 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Cecil County Libertarians. June 30 (Friday): 1:15 - 3:15 pm. Movies with Messages with followup discussion, hosted by Gerald Schneider. 1776 -- the musical. Holiday Park Multiservice Senior Center, 2950 Ferrara Drive, Wheaton, MD 20906 (301-468-4448). July 1-2 (Saturday/Sunday): National LP Convention in Portland, Oregon. July 3 (Monday):
July 4 (Tuesday): 72nd Dundalk Heritage 4th of July Parade -- the theme is "LET FREEDOM RING". It kicks off about 9 am and is over by 11 am. If you have a car or truck you'd like to drive in the parade, let me know. If no one else wants to drive, I'll be decorating my car and driving it, so there will be a place to ride if you get tired along the way. All ages welcome. In past years we've had babies in strollers to a senior citizen in his 70s. We've had kids on skate boards and bikes. We have a good time and its excellent exposure for the Party and our candidates. If you're running on the LP ticket, don't miss this one. This parade drawls our misrepresentatives from all levels - local, state, and national. Even the Governor and our two Senators show up for this one. If you know anyone who has revolutionary period costumes, let me know. Any other ideas that will set us apart from the crowd, bring them on. Please arrive no later than 7:30 am. If you are leaving a vehicle on the Logan Village Shopping Center parking lot, do not park in the area from the middle of the lot to the street. This area is needed to line up the Parade. Please park near the stores. Nothing can be given out along the parade route which is from curb to curb. Contact: . July 8 (Saturday): 10:00 am. The Libertarian Club of Baltimore has adopted a 3/4 mile section of Charles Street just south of the Beltway under the MD State Adopt-A-Highway Program. This is an LP publicity / Public Relations project of the Baltimore Area (and some very welcome other) Libertarians. We meet at the Ruxton School on Charles Street (right side going south, about 3/4 mile south of I-695). If you would like to join us, contact . July 10 (Monday): 7:00 pm. Baltimore Libertarians. The second week this month because of the LP Convention. July 19 (Wednesday): 7:30 pm. MdLP Executive Board meeting via teleconference. Contact to attend. July 23 (Sunday): 2:00-7:00 pm. MdLP Picnic hosted by the Montgomery County LP. MdLP Central Committee meeting at 3:00 pm. Location: Wheaton Regional Park, 2000 Shorefield Rd., Shelter B (near the Playground and Carousel), Wheaton/Silver Spring, MD 20902. The park is on Shorefield Ave. just east of Georgia Ave. North of University and South of Randolph Road. Suggested donation to cover cost of Park facilities and food: $10.00 per Libertarian Party member, 1/2 price $5.00 for non-member family and friends, $3.00 per child 12 and under. Feel free to bring a lawn chair, side dish, or favorite dessert to share if you'd like. Meats, buns, condiments, salads, chips, and drinks will be provided. Special Note: This is a Montgomery County Public Park -- alcohol is PROHIBITED. (Sorry folks, we'll do another social event soon on private premises). In the meantime we hope you'll come out with family, friends and potential Libertarians and enjoy the company and the Park's facilities -- there is a Carousel and Train Ride for a nominal fee, and a playground for children. Rain or Shine! Contact: . July 26 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Cecil County Libertarians.
August 7 (Monday): 7:00 pm. Baltimore Libertarians. August 11-19
(Friday-Saturday): Booth
canceled. August 16 (Wednesday): 7:30 pm. MdLP Executive Board meeting via teleconference. Contact to attend. August 23 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Cecil County Libertarians. August 26 (Saturday): 1:00-7:00 pm. Chesapeake Pride Festival. Rain or shine at the Historic London Town and Gardens located at 839 Londontown Road, in Edgewater, Maryland 21037. Contact: . August 26 (Saturday): 4:00-6:00 pm. Candidate David Titman volunteer training session in Columbia. Contact: . September 3 (Sunday): 2:00 pm. Montgomery County LP meeting in Silver Spring. Contact: . September 4
(Monday): September 9 (Saturday): 10:00 am. The Libertarian Club of Baltimore has adopted a 3/4 mile section of Charles Street just south of the Beltway under the MD State Adopt-A-Highway Program. This is an LP publicity / Public Relations project of the Baltimore Area (and some very welcome other) Libertarians. We meet at the Ruxton School on Charles Street (right side going south, about 3/4 mile south of I-695). If you would like to join us, contact . September 11 (Monday): 7:00 pm. Baltimore Libertarians. The second week this month due to Labor Day. September 12 (Tuesday): Maryland Primary Election. Prime opportunity for petitioning. . September 17 (Sunday): Essex Day Festival. Set up 7 AM, tear down 7 PM. Location: 400 and 500 blocks of Eastern Blvd in Essex. Directions: I-695 to the east side of the city. Exit on Eastern Ave going east. Go till you hit the road block. Turn right one block. Turn left. Go till you see the Post Office. Park in the lot just past the P.O. walk up Taylor Ave to Eastern Blvd. We are usually in the block to the left of Taylor. If you can help out please let me know when you can came in. Any 2 to 3 hours any time during the day would help. We will be collecting signatures for the ballot access petition. Even if you don't want to work at the booth, come out and visit us. Meet some of your fellow libertarians. Pick up some literature to share with your friends. Contact . September 18 (Monday): 9:00 am. Deadline for submissions for the October issue of the Free? State Libertarian. September 20
(Wednesday): To
be rescheduled for the following week. September 26 (Tuesday): 7:00 pm. Maryland Unity Convention. An event to celebrate the "Unity for Change" campaign for the U.S. Senate. The Green, Libertarian and Populist parties united behind Kevin Zeese's U.S. Senate Campaign in the State of Maryland in the spirit of peace, justice, democracy, and prosperity. Location: University of Baltimore, Langsdale Auditorium, 1420 Maryland Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21201. Featured Artists and Speakers: Kevin Zeese - U.S. Senate Candidate; Ralph Nader - Former Presidential Candidate; Lorenzo Gaztanaga - LP Activist, speaking on "The state of U.S. politics today"; Linda Schade - Executive Director, Voters for Peace; and Buster's Luck Jazz Band. September 27 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Cecil County Libertarians. October 2 (Monday): 7:00 pm. Baltimore Libertarians. October 3 (Tuesday): 7:00-9:00 pm. Three Candidate Debate. For the first time in its history Maryland will be holding a debate in a general election involving three candidates. The debate will include Kevin Zeese, Ben Cardin and Michael Steele. The Town Hall Forum is being sponsored by the Greater Baltimore Urban League at 512 Orchard St., Baltimore, MD 21201. The event is open to the public. The format will allow 10 minutes for each candidate to introduce himself through an opening statement. After that moderators Charles Robinson, MD Public Television and Doni Glover, BmoreNews.com, will ask questions of the candidates. One hour will be reserved for questions from the audience, which will be written and collected during the first half of the forum. Two minutes will be allotted to answer each question and five minutes will be given for closing statements. Info: KevinZeese.com. October 4 (Wednesday): 7:30 pm. MdLP Executive Board meeting in Owings Mills. Contact to attend. October 7 (Saturday): Darlington Apple Festival. Contact: . October 7/8 (Saturday/Sunday): 11:00 am - 7:00 pm (setup at 8:00 am). Fells Point Festival. The Libertarian Party booth will be in the same place as last year - on the west side of Broadway between Aliceanna St. and Lancaster St., space #626. Gun raffle drawing on Sunday. Any time you can help, even for an hour or two would be great. Please let me know so I can try to spread the coverage. Contact . October 25 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Cecil County Libertarians. October 30 (Monday): 7:30 pm. MdLP Executive Board meeting via teleconference. Contact to attend. November 5 (Sunday): 7:00 pm. Baltimore Libertarians. Different location: Tully's Restaurant at 7934 Belair Rd. Baltimore, MD 21236 in the Beltway Plaza, just north of the beltway. Speaker for the evening is Mr. Chris Driscoll, the Populist Party candidate for governor. November 6
(Monday): November 7 (Tuesday): Maryland General Election. Prime opportunity for petitioning. Download petition package for Nov. 7 Election Day -- includes petition with dates filled in, explanatory blurb, for more information contact sheet, and list of Maryland polling places sorted by zipcode. See article in October 2006 Free? State Libertarian. November 14 (Tuesday): 7:30 pm. MdLP Executive Board meeting in Owings Mills. Contact to attend. November 15 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Cecil County Libertarians. A week earlier this month. November 22
(Wednesday): December 3 (Sunday): 7:00 pm. Baltimore Libertarians. Different location: Tully's Restaurant at 7934 Belair Rd. Baltimore, MD 21236 in the Beltway Plaza, just north of the beltway. Executive Board elections. Speaker: Mr. Daniel Mydlack, professor in the film department at Towson University, on the Baltimore Freeschool Initiative. December 4
(Monday): December 11 (Monday): 7:30 pm. MdLP Executive Board meeting via teleconference. Contact to attend. December 27 (Wednesday): 7:00 pm. Cecil County Libertarians.
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