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Libertarian Party of Maryland

PO Box 2343
Annapolis, MD 21404-2343



CONTACT: Beth Newman 301-588-3704

26 Jan 2001


If Maryland Senate Bill 209 passes, Marylanders will be denied the self-protection many police dogs enjoy nationwide.

The Bill proposes to restrict possession, use, and sale of bulletproof vests for all but governmentally "approved" individuals. The arbitrary criteria used to approve law enforcement, security guards and strangely, journalists, for possession of this fully passive self-protection, is disturbing but not the point. Police dogs around the country have been outfitted with bulletproof vests, yet for some reason Governor Parris Glendening and his sponsors in the Senate don't believe the average citizen, cab driver, or deliveryman deserves the same protection, or is capable of deciding whether it is appropriate.

Combined with this state's efforts to prevent or seriously hinder even responsible possession and sale of firearms for personal protection, this new bill would result in an emasculated populace ripe for criminal persecution. Does Glendening really think that criminals who might choose to wear a bulletproof vest are going to obtain a permit to do so?

"Citizens of this state have the right to protect themselves and certainly such a passive method of doing so as a bulletproof vest should be applauded, not prohibited," said Steve Boone, Chair of the Libertarian Party of Maryland. "Marylanders, particularly those who work alone or at night and see the need for this protective, defensive attire, should be frightened for their safety."

This bill has been proposed in the name of public safety. The Libertarian Party of Maryland demands to know how the public becomes safer upon the passing of this bill. We don't feel safe at all.

The Libertarian Party of Maryland is the third largest political party in Maryland. We are dedicated to the reduction of government interference in individual liberty. We hold that all individuals have the right to exercise sole dominion over their own lives, and have the right to live in whatever manner they choose, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal right of others to live in whatever manner they choose.